A Scorpio, I am
Sign of Water/Sexuality
& Emotion
Myers/Briggs personality test resulted INFJ (A)
(Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging)
A mediator.
100% accurate!
Only 1.5% of the world population is this personality;
the other 98.5% has trouble relating to INFJ.
As any true introvert,
I can handle noise/crowds for exactly 1 hour
before the need to retreat takes over
to the quiet or filling with music somewhere.
Oddly enough, I am drawn to customer service.
I know these things:
I love who I am.
I love emotion.
I am vulnerable.
I care deeply.
I love.
And I love deeply.
I will wait it out for return.
I long to be loved.
My children are my world.
Nature is my solace, my constant, my peace.
I hear each bird's tweet,
adore shapes in the clouds, share the moon with everyone I know,
smile at the song of my wind chimes,
wonder at the growth of a flower,
drive to chase sunsets, enjoy a great storm,
relax fully when the ocean is outside my door.
My favorite word is dance.
Representing how I strive to live…
to a beat that allows my body, my soul to dance in rhythm
A Scorpio, never really lets go, or forgets
My heart is full ... I long to share it
I wish it were possible ... for me to be yours
The moon, full tomorrow
imagine it my heart ... a reach to be yours
I think we forget just how temporary it all is.
Nothing is permanent.
never was
and never will be.
Micro moments and fleeting emotions,
just flashing in a pan.
I wish I could freeze some moments I’ve had in my life.
bottle them up.
pickled, preserved
and shelved.
Until I decide to dust them off
and pull them out
when I’m lost or feeling alone.
I guess it’s all in the learning
that in life,
we have moments that we need
to just let go.
Take what we can
from what we had,
carry it’s lesson with us
on no matter which road
we may roam.
Chapter by chapter we go,
living our story,
planting roots of experience
and nurturing it
into growth.
There was a time
when i always wanted to go back,
drawn to what was
and too scared
of what might be.
But backwards
isn’t forwards,
and forwards
is what makes us.
Sometimes it breaks us.
But who doesn’t ever
hit a little bump in the road?
I’m learning to now
let it flow.
Roll with it,
take a deep breath,
and savour it.
Because not knowing what’s ahead
can be just as exciting as knowing
what we’ve seen, and how magical
the journey has been.
You can’t show me one person
who’s life turned out exactly
as it was planned.
And maybe that’s the universe
proving that it’s all
just bigger than any of us.
So whatever we face,
we need to embrace
because there ain’t no turning back.
I can honestly say
I’m more curious now than I ever was before,
to see what im given
and just what life has in store.
I can only hope
i wake one day
and once again
how I even got to be
where i am
So for now I’ll just roll the dice
on living my life.
Everything by chance.
Nothing by plan.
Blow it a kiss,
wink at the world,
give it a twirl
and dance the rest of it out.
(C) Sarah’s Collection of Scars FB
Annoying snow on my day off
White coverage, not enough for a plow
Car troubles leave me to tremble
A prayer a minute gets me to the next
I could feel sorry, drown in self pity
Yes there are days I do just that
Yet there's a strength that pulls me through
Along with my Baby laying in lap
Life flying by, feeling not a part
Not quite sure how to jump start
My heart's getting cold, heading towards stone
Tones of panic struggle within
Incredible stupidity I previously displayed
Tears for that erupt in my days
Who am I, where the hell do I go
What do I take with me what do I leave behind
Something needy in me occasionally resides
A partner in life, a friend for comfort and strife
So much to share; God show me the way
Let the lack of money not control and decay
Remind me of pride; let it trickle back to me
Let me hold up my head; let the light shine again in my eyes
Let my smile return, beauty fill my days
Fill me with words in responsive creativity
Drive me, strive me, hunger me with that
Gift of inspiration filled with combat
Cruising Eureka Springs in Murano - top down!
Spectacular foliage graced streets of town
Autumn's dance, like no other
Tourists & residents danced together
Joyful, hometown-feel treasure
Where the springs run deep
In Ozark mountain pleasure
Bikers too, filled streets and taverns
Cruising by, they danced like feathers
Soulful cruising heals the wounds
Peace pours forth in passion found
Eureka Springs, you fill a space
That longing knows is saved for great
Dancing and cruising with introvert measure
A ship in the faraway distance
Swaying in stormy dark outside
The ocean rumbling in
Whispers music, amplified
I pretend a Captain on-board
Searching delight of life
A female companion
To play part of wife
Stormy sensation takes over me
Scanning the distance of sea…
So much harrowed water
Between the Captain and me
My eyes do not defect the ship
The world of pretend…
Allows bringing it close to me
All I Need Today
Everything I need today is right here
Words line up in my head on spreadsheet
Even outside is perfect with gray thick
Street lights stay on over slickened street
Expression, is everything to me
Balancing life in both joy and defeat
Today, all here
Everything I need for contentment to meet
It seems hard for others to understand
What it is I do in a day to mend
People are good and I enjoy the rapport
But it is my journal that’s my best friend
Expression, is everything to me
Balancing relations, I love words to send
Today, all here
Everything I need for the world not to bend
Everything I need today is right here
Emotions swirling my heart swells in glory
Putting these feelings into words on paper
Give my life interesting love story
Expression, is everything to me
Balancing excavation of golden quarry
Today, all here
Everything I need for intrigue in story
For a year's period of time I wrote from a box of words
Each day the website gave a "box of words" different each day
The object was to use only the words in the box to create poetry
These are some of my "boxed words"
I’ve grown through tears of truth
Dreams of remembered laughter filled love
Sings a lullaby, sweet with your kiss
miles stood;
the biggest race run,
I trudged onwards,
even at ninety-two, I will still love him
Praying found release
In the under-tow of love’s ocean tides
Shackled and bruised
Gasping desire surfs loving waves
Dance with me seaside, slowly
Again with the Commodore’s
This time, never let me go,
We are Sailing ……
Trinkets . . . testimonies of summer monuments
Missing . . . dawn rains
Waterfall desire
Sundown touch
Found . . . soul love
Rest among gears
Relentless waters rushing deep
Forced scarring wounds
Of their love past, denied
To hear waters sound
Speaking precarious desire
Walk on her sand
With my heart in your hand
Bring back to me
The gift of the sea
Through your walking
I sense her talking
For the gurgles of sea
Are where home is for me
Sea of Love ~
White-green sea waves rolling
Whisper freedom in the dawn
Love found us hand-in-hand
Voice within remembers:
~~eyes that smiled
~~wearing floral fibers
~~somewhere, breeze teased and leaves frolicked
Desire flowing . . . glimpsing love again
Yesterday’s ravenous desire frenzied
Immersed in by-gone familiar waters
Camouflaged tears distorted poised reflection
Another face of love shadows
My memory penned a story of you and me
Guided writing dreamed plot deep in rhyme
Searching love before
Holding illusion of desire within her heart
Morning light suddenly brilliant
Whispering imminent love
Stardust of past grasping wings
He is her desire~
His youthful laugh remembered fondly
Taking our days as kids
Stealing roadside love delicious
Winking eyes and alibis
Flirting hotly with passers-by
The quest of desire
. . . breathing sighs
Fresh-vased flowers
Touches hearts desire
Just as…
Knowing there is love
But a dream away
Love whispered sweetly
As the ocean kissed the moon
In a silky crystal hue
Desire found your eyes
The playground of harmless curiosities
Unleashes galvanized artifacts
Fluttering from old love and desire
Vaguely corrupted by forces of reality
Dancing, relit a wanting
Desire, once bright, repeats
Blazing flames alight again
Wanting the chance to love forever
Delicious stories
That tempt the shadows
Flame savage dreams
Burning love’s desire
Deepening pain of the depriving taste
The Evening Waltz
Sunset over ocean azure
Quivering vivacious desire
Heart clutching love
Innocently delicious
Becomes ecstatically raging
The river passes
As their desire (never known as such)
Fights to know love again
Dancing moon . . . a beacon light
Shimmering translucent magic
Targeting delicious love in castle past
Enduring shadows of desire is found alive
Unformed questions left unmentioned
In the morning vulnerability
Of love’s delicious, flexuous
And crumpled desire unerring
. . . wordless
Wrapped up in his name
~Anchored dreams of moonlit nights
~Protected spirits embracing love
~Remembered days of sweet desire
hues of dreams
unsaid promises
through truth’s memory
unspoken words
stroked used love
delicious and unchallenged
Armored boundaries exasperating
Love’s desire of provocative ecstasy
Exquisite like purple orchid
… boundaries emphasizing rules
Wither the luscious orchid
Age debuts deferentially,
Revealing love for friend . . . again found,
Descending through hushed decades
Superlative to tender time
Reminder of childhood forevermore
Imprisoned hearts stirred ~
Affectations buried years past
Deeply breathed hungered love
But belonging to history
Antiquity maybe,
But a knowing deeply
I protect my heart
By wondering beauty
Wrapped in your arms . . .
Love cradling loneliness
Embracing moments are reassuring
Restlessness ...
In love with my restlessness
Yes, words are incredible
in just one day, how many
through my mind
they do swirl
not always
an easy, gentle twirl
Believe it or not
these days
are my favorite
as through their process
i do trust
to bring me fullness
to the place inside
where i truly rest
A few days ago, those words I wrote. In many of my writings there is a feel of "restlessness" where I am "twirling" and "swirling". I have come to understand that I am to let that swirling take over and land me right where I am to be. Years ago, I would have become frustrated and telling myself that something is "wrong". But then I accepted...and learned to love this most about me! Swirl and Twirl, never knowing where it is I will land!!
This week I picked up a book that I had started back in 2005, but never finished. Walking In This World ~ The Practical Art of Creativity by Julia Cameron, who is also the author of The Artist's Way. I believe the Universe gives what it is you need, at the time you need it, if you are open.
As I have in many, many of my books, I furiously highlighted and wrote in the margins alongside my nightly reading. Tonight's chapter has been on the creative person's "restlessness" and why it comes.
"Restlessness means you are on the march creatively. The problem is, you may not know where." There have been soooooo many words in this chapter that I use consistently in my writing. Words, such as magic, intuitive, mysterious, callings, destiny, inspiration, craving, longing, path. . .
It has been a colorful and magic hour of reading! I have to share Julia Cameron's last paragraph in this enlightening chapter:
"When we acknowledge the right of mystery to intercept and direct us, we acknowledge the larger issue that life is a spiritual dance and that our unseen partner has steps to teach us if we will allow ourselves to be led. The next time you are restless, remind yourself it is the universe asking "Shall we dance?"
As the world outside blanketed itself with the first snow of the season today, I sat by the fire and read ... and I danced.
dancin' in Morocco
Haiku (5-7-5)
Iced trees, snowy ground
White clouds, dark sky, lake setting
Black and white profound
Wings spread, flying free
searching for identity
that which keeps you free
Double the palm’s grace
Double the sky’s passion; Peace. . .
on glass top ocean
Moon in the harvest
Silhouette wings spread in flight
Autumn’s night beauty
Chameleon state.
blending into surroundings
no one will find me
Peeking. . . clothed in mask
not sure if world is ready,
for all that I am
Crystal reflection
glass-like water filled of sky
looking up. . . or down?
Chiseled rock awaits
kiss of blue sky and white clouds;
barren tree watches
Sedona magic:
Skies of blue, cotton-swab clouds
Red rock, barren trees
Tail of a dragon
lifts to sun’s apricot shine
Morning comes in peace
Energy for flight
sweetness of your taste all hers
beautiful flower
love communicates
wordless soundless voiceless mum
understanding stills
love is a free fall
experience of cherish
live only to fall
she sits with herself
understanding truth of love
it comes in own time
love is like a storm
gales and gusts hurricane form
a dance of samba
love tickles love heals
love fuels life love gives laughter
all are capable
love captivates sense
love spreads with touch, words, passion
love feeds off of love
Photos #DancingwithTerri2020
Haiku #DancingwithTerri2016
Love, the ultimate human longing and fulfillment in haiku after haiku (5-7-5)
Love is ravishing
enchanting and entrancing
a yearning fervor
love strengthens what is
turns positive, enlightens
love enhances all
love, a crystal prize
all facets of diamond stuff
including sparkle
entity of life
love, the buoy the anchor
essence to our souls
love reverberates
echoes and resounds with roar
explore the thunder
love creates better
love allows freedom to be
gift of purity
My Children…One By One
I used to question your silly style
and the antics you would pull
I’ve grown used to them now and the
attention they sometimes draw
If I had looked closer at first
all you want is to make smiles and flaunt
Your accomplishments are very many
and most are aimed to please
Why are people content
in chameleon state, you asked
That’s what sets you apart and the
difference you champion and stake
Your gestures, your actions, your crazy faces
leave us and others in stiches
Your writing, yours scripts, videos and plays
open the imagination to its fullest
You seem to say through the laughter you share:
relax, slow down, let me take you there
That smile of yours
brightens anyone’s day
who crosses your path
who might come your way
The kindness you inspire
keeps all who know you
enlivened by your spirit
a feeling of renew
That golden heart
makes friendships glow
your most awesome treasure
they all tell you so
People love you
that’s a special gift
to make someone smile
and a mood you might shift
Blue eyes…
The color of liquid sapphire.
As does the sun, they shine bright
@ times of playful delight
As a sky of lightning full
@ times of lost control
As awesome heat of shooting fire
@ times of intense desire
As beauty in sunset fashion
@ times of loving passion
As a surrendering waterfall
@ times when tears do fall
As a gust of wind’s unknown fate
@ times of prolific debate
As a woodland stream’s enchantment
@ times of ambitious accomplishment
As resemblance to torrents of rain
@ times of physical pain
As if clouds on changing course
@ times of wounded remorse
As do the stars, they shine bright
@ times of all life’s delight
Your blue eyes… remain
the color of liquid sapphire
in all that may transpire
I wonder what it’s like
To be inside your mind
I wonder why it speaks
All that it says
Chatter-Chatter, it doesn’t matter
Where you are or your engagement
You talk to no one
Yet it’s conversation
You've amazed me from the start
The early age you chose to chat
And still to this day
you find intellect in talk
I love to listen when you think I’m not
It moves me in pictures
Of your day's pleasures
And possible dangers
You are one that can be left alone
To enjoy the company of yourself
To imagine everything inside
It’s a fascinating observation
It is wonderful to watch you
And listen to your words
They give a child’s eye view
Of this world we live in
So simple, so much pleasure
Makes me wonder again, why some
Cannot enjoy the mind and the words it speaks
To enjoy the time, wonder at surroundings
Imagine a different setting, and live in the moment
Through conversations coming from within
The dance already there
slow ... sweet ...
visible to only you and i
our touch
only in voice
and through eyes
a force so strong
where we belong
my heart
connected to yours
without a single touch
i struggle
to find words
that captures our dance
then i realize
the beauty
of no words at all
there's a circle of space
that holds
just you and i
that i feel your touch
with no touch at all, when we're dancing
Deep inside is the girl
Mirrored back in age
Glistening eyes once young
Remembering overflowing love
. . . wiser now, knows unsweet truth
Your breath whispered unborn words
Turning my chastity darkness
Into delicious sweet silence
Smokey moon-dipped dreams
Wrapped silent love
Flowers in meadows
Green calming oceans
Bathed rainbow dreams
Sweet lovers meeting
Allowed foretold eternity to bloom . . .
Souls unfold
Aching memory etched inside heart forever
Happiness lingers strong through pain
Still hoping to love again
Heaven spins destiny
mornings during this stay-at-home mandate are pure pleasure
with coffee in hand and three days-worth of bed-head hair
i love the time with nature i now get to share
the time it takes to get from bed to work chair
stress-free, without a care
the glory of what all must be missing in a debonair
such plentitude without that of a millionaire
the morning’s a dance with affectionate flair
a book writing of self-aware
the joy of solitaire
2020 back yard bella vista
Nature’s Dance
The joy
The awe
The peace
The beauty
The wonder
The solitude
The surprise
The fulfillment
The admiration
The contentment
Sight creating breathtaking moments
Sight creating feeling
Sight giving dance
Waking before the sun
0 watching it make its way to life
the way every day should begin
Going from darkness to light
an uplifting flight!
And then, the sun goes down
Spectacular beauty of color forms
Sputter of geese in formation of V
Then everything darkens
once more for sleep
Finally … @ 8:02 am I allow my eyes to open
my body to awaken
I open the door right next to my bed
heavenly outdoor space
Chilly air … morning sounds …
the faraway train,
brave birds in song,
early weekend traffic movement
Wonderful! to wake this way
synchronize to the day
bring it in slow
then let it flow
And the sun slides down the horizon
(shadows on the wall)
Pinks … oranges … create haze of amber
(mystique … and then nostalgia)
Streaking through puffs of clouds
(rushing senses – peace … loneliness … fulfillment … contentment …
crave for love … enough)
Beauty at the crevice of light and dark
(past and present from mind and heart … sweet movie-like play)
As she lowers further, it feels the ebb of tide … the place betw low and high tide (minutes/moments find surface from deep within)
Gone from sight, her light gives precious few more minutes of light
(shadows rise high on the wall)
Then darkness takes over to claim the night
(wonder and dance of candlelight shadows takes over … fuel and energy continue where the beauty of sunset left off …)
Mixture of light and dark concocts the sweetest of cocktails!
My Dream.
Clouds combatting clouds,
Lightening flashing electric charges,
Primordial storm of blazing desire,
EXPLOSION of ecstasy;
. . . all a memory
Wind carries the snow
Blows it and twirls it
So fine when it touches ground
Blows till connecting to another
So that road spots between clean/snowy
From a second floor apartment
Truly beautiful to watch
Sky seems close where all blows
The look down becomes geographic
From this second floor flat
Sweet splendor of daisies
Patterned canvas o’er valley and hills
Spilling beauty angelic as lace
Blending wonderful to her life
BIG pink ball in sky!!
Photograph I try
Simply … no justice
Over the naked eye!!
ice begins to melt
a puddle of ring around the berg
Song of birds!!
Raccoon stealthy in the night!!
Spring! Spring! Spring!
What another moon!
Full and air so cold!
An oblong cloud hovers just below
A smiling sight
as I catch it through the blinds
Then outdoors I go
to see it full
Life revives!! :)
Tweeting birds when I opened the door!
Their sound exploded and gave me smile!
Warm today, they came out to play
Mid-winter bird sound loves the soul
up and down, up and down
my days, my life
daylight fading now
sky soon to be black
nightfall; midnight;
then day comes again
Like a spring day ... full sunshine
fills this house, heart and soul of mine
What there is to do even sparkles
as motivation and inspiration
replace the heaviness inside
Birds confused . . . reflected in their song;
scrambled; loud; nothing unison about it;
all singing out of tune.
Weather returning to winter . . . snow days coming our way;
cold; bluster; sky full of grey;
nothing pretty or comforting about it.
Flying crazy . . . disengaged;
one for all; no pattern; just fly; no understanding
how perceived spring falls back to winter's cold and blow
Sun tries desperately to make appearance
Squeezing through grey, but grey pushes back
Yet there is a shining/reflection off white of snow
Take me through this day; let it all ebb and flow
Twisting, turning . . . crimsons and scarlets
Upwards, downwards . . . winds carry the fallen
Dancing, prancing in their fate of glory
Beautiful here on this top down drive
Cattle roam . . . then the magical hills
Color bursting on flat and dome
Scarlet red, Crimson gold
Peach parfait, Tanning bronze
Pumpkin orange, Amber blast
Senses purring, all drama lost
Heart responds to thoughts forgot
Settles in what counts the most
Keep me here; this wondrous state
Where fog lifts; the dance is straight
Reality escapes; the soul is driven
Dancing tingles; pleasure delights
Swirling, twirling; kaleidoscope sights
Respectful honor what is gold to the soul
My Goddess intimacy
Flowers endowed with fragrance
Nature illuminated with animation
Spirit devouring mind
Creation . . .
Leaving life behind, I took a drive
Headed south for the Missou/Ark state line
Heaven answered; quickly responded
Left all troubles at the Nebraska/Iowa border
Groovin' and movin', let the music unwind
As Autumn scenery filled the road on all sides
Thinkin' no thoughts 'cept for the beauty surrounding
Passion filled spaces, long time empty
So grateful for the roads always kind to me
I fill up on peace and empty what's bugging
Beauty got more beautiful, the further south I drove
And when Sun came out, magic dispersed my every woe
Hillsides and hilltops alive with color
This magical season delivers vision, technicolor
Thank God for this season, vibrant in color
And the dancing in masses as they take their falling sever
October Life!
Beautiful! The leaves falling
Colorful life! A blanket they make
Top down driving! They land inside
Kick in the ass! This season enlivens
Stormy ... Night
Love when the house rocks n rolls
Light splices the night
Downpour rattles the windows
Wind chimes go horizontal
... all on the eve of Friday the 13th
the covered deck provides dryness
... watching with awe
storms inside ... portrayed outside ... worlds collide ... explode ... release
Love when the house still stands
Sunshine wins over the rain
Warmth pushes out the cold
Windchimes sing gently
... into the afternoon of Friday the 13th
the covered deck, a sanctuary
... sliding doors, transparent
inside to outside ... outside to in ... bubbles of brightness ... burst ... then implode
Santana Dancin' again ... Stormy <3
Sky thunders in anger
Or maybe just sweltering heat
Opening up, she dumps rain in torrents
Steady, fast pace
To rid this past week’s air
Of all her humidity
Chattering squirrels
Such music you make
In the orchestra that plays
Your sound so distinct
MOON – as sliver - HUGE
Slice of tangerine BRIGHT!
nice and slow ...
wonderful! when the morning can play out this way
birds gathering ...
joyful! how they chatter, grateful for this springtime weather
skies of gray ...
peeking sun! mirroring moods all found within me
nice and slow ...
the way to go! letting nature heal and following it's suggestion
Dancing alone pierced soul desire
Jarring female shimmering fields
Where trees asleep lonely stirred
And birds childish sound suddenly yearned
if only for just a moment
Moon, peeking through the blinds at me
Smile, genuine in the inspiration you offer me
Bringing me back to the track I must pace myself on
Ensuring I complete this heavy workload extra
Moon, peeking through the blinds at me
Smile, genuine in the memories of you I shared
With persons I dared to look up at you and stare
I'm sure on a beautiful moon-lit night, they remember too
. . . if only for just a moment
a moment someone thinks about me
Winter Returns
Darkness today
as the sun loses her way
Tears from the sky
nothing heavy, just steady daytime drip
Blowing of chimes
comes late in the day
Happy I'm inside
looking out, and safe
The calendar's seasons
Make a full circle
When one is young
We pay it no attention
As the years go by
And time becomes shorter
We yearn to sit
And enjoy the wonder
The moon's hazy glaze
Two days after full
I love the spell you cast
On the world so cold
As alone as I am
I feel safe in your shine
My guardian of sorts
Waiting for the stars to align
August running out
September flowing in
Favorite three months
About to begin!
Overcast sky
haze and glaze
Temps holding @ 70 degrees
aahhhhhh September days!!
Full circle of dark, darker than the night
Sliver lit up, bottom right
With imagination, see the smirking cat and the fiddle
Why does not the sliver ever light up from top to bottom
Always exhilaration to look up and see
Full shadow with only sliver of light
Even more so on the coldest of nights
Crisp and clear it warms with sight
Dancing moon.....a beacon light
Shimmering translucent magic
Targeting delicious love in castle past
Enduring shadows of desire is found alive
October's Moon = Joy
Delightful, not frightful
During this month of Halloween!
Last night, it sat on top of a steeple
For moments, rising in the east
No longer full, more than three quarter
Translucent pink to amber in the early rise
Humongous at the start it was
Rising behind the church of mine
The steeple shadowed
Claiming its very right
Exalting benediction ...
Causing one to kneel upon the glorious sight
Every October and November, I dance with the moon
As each night the temperature lowers
And brings death to what we rejoiced in the Spring
There is a sense of magic and great transformation
Unsure, what will still be alive the next day
The moon, in these months, seems much brighter
More vivid ... Clearer, than in any others
As if to prepare us
For the longer darkness of days in the winter...
Maybe, the beauty ahead lies in the darkness
As it did last night and will again
Nature's Power
The weather is finally turning
And sunshine is warming days
The birds are singing joyously
And Easter is on its way
Another season edging in
This one all about renew
I'm sad to go to bed alone
And wake up that way too
When I realize that at ANY GIVEN time
NO ONE knows where I am
It's strange to know that I'm THAT alone
So loneliness sets in too
I drove tonight to chase the sun
As it settled beyond the view
Tears were rolling furious
I couldn't stop them if I tried
Music I did turn up loud
To fill my analyzing mind
The power of reality
Sometimes rips my facade apart
So I let the tears roll their way
To pass through my blues
I turned my car around ...
The sun now gone from view
I drove right back the way I came
And startled at the view!!!
Goddess came to hold me tight
And help me get on through!!!
Across the hills of heartland scape
The moon began her rise
I had to stop my car
As my breath it took away
Ten times its normal size
Shadowed all in pink
As it sat for only seconds
On a horizoned hill far away
My eyes could not believe the magic
My heart swallowed it all in
I know now Goddess knows I'm here
She pushed me to this drive
She played a show of transformation
That "AWESOME" can't even describe
Spectacular; unimaginable to dream
More beautiful than I've ever seen
This ball that lights the night
Rises before my eyes
Times ten it's normal size!!
As if a shadow and in all pink!!
Amber it turns, lifting up off the hill
Then shrinking, it turns white
In fullness, perfect round
There's a face upon it too
I may not have that human love
The kind that wraps you up
Secures you in happiness
And knows where all you go
But I have the gift of Goddess
Her nature and Her show
It may not fill my hunger
For a man and gentle touch
But if fills me with a wonder
That a man could never touch
slight drizzle of rain
cold has arrived
this November night
appearance of normal when I pull back the sheers
lights of the intersection bleary and stained
seems almost strange
movement little
as if paralyzed
One leaf at a time
Falling with grace
In three weeks of time
There will be a huge race
temps so warm
the season snuck in
subtle changes
delight the heart
greens to amber
outside the widow
landscape beauty
shocks the sight
fresh cut lawn
showcasing leaves
splendor, peace
this season brings
the perfect fall
weather amazing
setting suns
beauty astounding
fallen leaves
keep on dancing
daytime moons
cause for wondering
nighttime chills
blanket snuggling
full ambered trees
sight so breathtaking
pumpkin spice
delicious smelling
moons at night
huge in rising
the perfect fall
itself unravelling!
Nighttime incredible
Daytime so bountiful
Over the hill this beautiful morn
Hot air balloon there! – just right there!
Sitting/posing for picture perfect
What a morning, wake-up delight!
Temps reaching 74
And as the sun began early descent
The degrees ticked away
The view from this vantage point
Gorgeous in blurring of colors
Becoming a fall haze
These days ~ this fall ~ this year
Lifting me up / bringing me back
Feeling in this glory of nature
Revives! Invigorates!
Shredding and shedding
All that is no good
God, this year’s fall
Drenching my soul!!
Birds confused . . . reflected in song;
scrambled; loud; nothing unison about it;
all singing out of tune.
Returning to winter . . . snow days coming our way;
cold; bluster; sky full of grey;
nothing pretty or comforting about it.
Flying crazy . . . disengaged;
one for all; just fly; no pattern; no understanding
how perceived spring falls back to winter's cold and blow
September’s month
The quiet transition
From nature so full
To bare minimum
Subtle changes
Day to day
For those who look
Respect we pay
a kaleidoscope!
upon this deck
watching out
through the morning hours
the sun up high
shines down through the trees
sun spots and shadows
slowly shifting
as the branches sway
birds flying by
shadows fly with them
the Kaleidoscope
of a September morn’!
Sun tries desperately to make appearance
Squeezing through grey, but grey pushes back
Yet there is a shining/reflection off white of snow
Take me through this day; let it all ebb and flow
Two More Fine September Morns...
September Cicadas … your song so sweet
Middle of this day, you serenade
Crescending … then descending
Your wild pitch at play
You comfort, on this lonely day
A holiday weekend
Throws me a day behind!
This fine Thursday
Didn’t wanna get up
But the lure of the weather
And 65 degrees
Has me openin’ windows
To catch the breeze!
Rain over the mountain tops
Darkness and light
Leaves float like the beginning
Of a new snowfall
Windmill blades turning
A patch of white puffs above
Outlined pinpoint by sun
Fields of corn wave in the breeze
Tops a blanket of gold wheat
A storm is a’ brewin’
All of nature responds
Horses with head down
A feeding frenzy takes place
Bushes bend over, taking a bow
As darker clouds push their way through
Branches crack in the thickness
Hillside dotted with cows
Thankful that the air cools
The hills roll, waiting in thirst
For this straight down rain burst
Up in the hills
It looks like a sheet
Downpour on Harry Byrd Highway
An opening from Heaven
Streams of rays like spotlights
Painting the range ahead
Steam rises from the river road
That only minutes ago baked
The tunnel covered with debris
The wind left behind
Land inclines then declines
Doe’s and their fawns
A turtle!! ~ crosses the road
Turning around, we see him again
A storm of beauty
Tonight we saw!!
September gone ~ October Falls in
The gold is vibrant, but it is the crimson I search for
And when the auburn displays, my heart smiles too
It is this month that color fuses the land
Ensuring summer is gone with
The green will fade and harvest takes over
Everything from moon and sky to leaves and land
Shine with enhancement and brilliance
Preparing for winter's solace
Beauty before death; Restoration for survival
Like so many of nature's finest habitants
We feed on this magnificent abundance
Storing it within our soul
If September brings welcome chill and vigor
October hands out beauty for thrill and fill
Every new day delightful to what we may find
Sparing us starvation in the months ahead
Fill me with October ... and it's Fall
Mother's Day 2021
As a mother, I am fulfilled past full.
Happiness, Joy & Pride, Gratitude & Blessings looks like this; a letter to my children:
December 31, 2015
My Joy: Danny, Shannon, Brendan, Shane
Mary, Dennis
I sit next to my window where the warmth of sun meets the chill of December on this last day of 2015. Soon the sun will recess, leaving few hours to this year. The sun is always a welcome feel and sight to the days of winter. This morning’s rising was pink, big and gorgeous … my day began perfect! The last day of the year! I love beginning again … the magic, anticipation … like opening a brand new journal to its first blank page … or a new book that will take you on a journey … a new CD, album or playlist of music that transports you to another time or place or opens a vessel from heart to soul … the first few hours of a road trip … the simple task of waking to a brand new day. Anticipation and beginnings … are very necessary … and good!
Happiness, Joy & Pride … so much of this all of you have brought! Gratitude & Blessings, you have bestowed! As I continue to know the blessing of enrichment through each of you, I continue to experience the saturation of pride. It is in watching each of you live life to its fullest that I have remembered what a gift that is. Last new year, I was grateful beyond words … this new year, I am joyful beyond words.
The accomplishments and travels each of you has made are so different to your each unique self … very much worth celebrating. So I celebrate. I celebrate you. And I stand tall with pride as I cherish each of you for the uniqueness of you – I wish each of you the world of possibility for this 2016 year, and the love to carry you wherever your heart desires on any given day or days of the 365 days you desire to get there.
I love you, seems not enough. But I do love you. You all remain my sunshine during day and my moonshine through darkness.
Find passion in all that matters,
there’s a song somewhere
talks about time not standing still
truly waits for no one.
the period of life now
i find it so inconsequential
it means so little
a day is a day – a week, a week
yet I so often amaze
@ how seemingly fast a month goes by
when a day seems to go so long
wow life
truly hard to predict
that blow you away
difficult to grasp
in there
you already knew
other moments
nano-second thoughts
an "off" feel
eye contact
that sixth sense
all led
to that "blow away" moment
of which
was "already known"
really knowing
a journal entry
lies the only proof
words written
two months ago
where enormous
was cast
upon the subject
of this entry
you didn't know
eerie, it could be
you didn't understand
or believe
the true gift
of connection
or what it is
to be mate
of another soul
on so many levels
my heart pours forth
in sadness
with love
to this news
just learned
already known
in a place
Everything has rhythm
Everything dances …
~Maya Angelou
Coming Alive . . . A Dance With Art
(This was a real dance over 3-4 months of time towards the end of 2010; he was the one to celebrate my 50th birthday with me; he treated me queenly and we literally danced ... and danced ... and people stopped to watch. I'm not sure I've ever felt more energized.
But in the end this introvert couldn't maintain)
Adoration, a girl’s fascination
A kiosk, in a mall
I saw you coming; I saw you watching
I knew you‘d be back
Two days later, you asked me out
A date, wow!
The last: 26 years before
Not kidding; I was beside myself
You took me to a sweet little bistro
And then . . . we exploded in dance!!
With no one, have I danced like that
Inhibitions . . . there were none on that dance floor
We fit; we moved; we wowed the crowd
We sweat; we drank; we danced to the sound
Our rhythm met every song
In two months of time . . . you showed me energy
Such I have never seen
You brought me life
And we cruised the scene
Tonight, I stared at the dress
I know you would have been knocked out
And I, like a sponge, would have soaked it up
I let you down; and I let me down too
Together, we would have rocked
We would have wowed them again
We would have . . .
Thank you Art Calhoun
For the dance …
No one has ever been so good to me
In many ways, we were an awesome match
You gave me breath
As in my fairytale
You made me a Princess
Treated me as a Queen
How many times did you call me Beautiful?
I believed it . . . I knew
Sexy, even better than beauty
Incredible how sensual you made me feel
The woman inside of me . . . flowed free
In two months of time
I saw Omaha
A million ways I have never seen
A hundred places, I have never been
Your infatuation . . . shone in my dreams
I envisioned places we would go
Road trips . . . lined up in a row
Your “hometown” . . .
California was my dream as a little girl
Las Vegas, Nashville, New Orleans and Mardi Gras
Oceans and beaches … shell searching sunsets
Music in every city
Dancing on every street
In some different time
We may have had a real chance
I M H … you will be
You are my Prince for the way you treated me!
Enchanting, Enlivening, Engaging
You are . . . you were
Thank you, Art Calhoun
For a very, very special dance
~ XO~
Saturday, Feb. 27
It is sunny this morning
52 degress
at 8:53;
Many birds
singing their favorite songs;
A far away
dog bark or two;
Only silence other than that;
Just two days of
February left;
It is March
we all long
The transition into spring
So this happened today.
My own little Op Ed in The Weekly Vista newspaper - June 14, 2023
Happy Father’s Day this Sunday!
I’m a “daddy’s girl” if ever there was one. And my brother, Steve, is a “daddy’s boy!” Growing up, I was the wild child living life a little different than maybe my father did/would and got caught doing something that maybe my father did not do or would not do on uncountable occasions. Steve, was the golden boy — I guess someone’s gotta be to ensure parenthood has its rally days!
My father was super great at showing us the world through travels and weekend car rides; at pronouncing the way it is and should be (telling us how we were doing it all wrong); at providing every necessity and more and at making the case for Santa Claus — Every. Single. Year. And. Still. — at pushing us and offering his assistance to practice at every sport we participated; at showing up to every (and sometimes coaching) sport game we played; at advising us the way he would do it; and later never passing up that “told you so” moment, which to this day creeps me out how (he can always be right, right, in his mind anyway). He was an attentive, hands-on dad. At 85, he still assumes his fatherhood role by letting me know how I’m doing it all wrong; he assumes his grandfather role with a twinkle in his eye while offering that same assistance of life-long wisdom, albeit with a little discretion; and watching his great-grandchildren from afar with a pride only a father could know.
The father of my four children was also a very honorable man. A man who also provided every necessity and more to his children, gifting each of them the privilege of attending private school from kindergarten through 12th grade. He never let his children forget what that privilege meant and that they are responsible to give back to the world and less fortunate in every manner they are able. Dan O’Byrne was given the frightful diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at the age of 60. Even though he battled hard to win the only possible life-saving procedure known, he lost the battle at the age of 61 — during the covid pandemic. My children think of their father as a warrior, as he was. The nastiness of covid and the need for social distancing sunk far deeper in the soul of our children and their father as they could not physically be together during the time that they needed each other most. It was a most difficult time for both father and children, yet he gathered strength enough to call each no less than every other day just to tell them that he loved them.
The month of December 2020, each of the kids quarantined themselves for two weeks — taking off work if they could not work from home — renting out a VRBO if needed to ensure no contact with anyone, leaving their spouse or significant other for the time period — in order to physically be with their dad on Christmas Day 2020. Dan looked forward to the gift of being with his children like no other gift he had ever received. I often wonder at that moment they all came together. I cherish what I do not know, did not see, but I know what that moment meant to all five of them, and I am blinded by tears of joy for each of them.
Dan laid down late that Christmas night with a whisper of “I can’t do this anymore” and a pure heart overflowing with love and gratitude. He did not wake. He had fulfilled that very deep, deep wish to spend time again with his children.
Here’s to Dan O’Byrne, his over-courageous-warrior fight for life and powerful demonstration of what it means to love your children — what it means to be a father — the power of being a father.
To every father out there, living, gone, or fighting the hardest battle of your life, happy, happy Father’s Day! May your love be committed, unconditional and strong.
Terri works for The Weekly Vista, wanders meanderingly, loves exclamation marks, makes up words and creates dances out of moments and thoughts. Her writing is solely her opinion and view of life.
My February Haiku day
Sun pouring through blinds
makes opening my green eyes
a pure blissful day!
Sounds of a day off
dishwasher, washing machine
hum in unison
My days with NETFLIX
as wasteful as they may seem
relax, re-charge me
Just as day gets good
Yet another curve ball throws
So tired of dodging
One day almost good
then moment explodes the peace
up against the wall
Could totally use
a new importance in life
someone to love me
Wanna feel that feel
to love, be loved, butterflies
to be a half of
...really, really just wanna
Asateaque, Virginia
where sand, ocean and horses run wild
Below~Biloxi Beach, Mississippi
livin' life in the 60s
Valentine’s Day!
Friday night … closure to a long week
She sits alone with puppy by her side
TV turned off, Spotify playing on her phone
R&B tonight, she grooves her tunes
Her plan, to read long into the night
A book found, she loves to keep pages turning
But words, others, keep entering her head
She picks up pen and finding paper, her heart smiles
Writing to her … her inborn passion
With quickening heart at thought of her favorite day
14 days away, once February is here
She remembers so many wonderful years
Her growing children, year after year
Creativity sparked … boxes, bags, flowers and hearts
Paper, crayons, glue, and glitter
Stencils, scissors, stickers, and love hard to match
Mahoney State Park and cool temperatures
Sitting here now, her smile reaches her soul
Remembering … hoping …
They can feel that flutter
Share this day with that someone they love
Remember that NOTHING is more valuable …
Than sharing one’s heart
And that … homemade … is the truest glitter
My children love to travel
This is Spain through her lens
June 20, 2019
This is Bill.
At least that’s my name for him.
He’s my north star … now that my Baby has crossed the rainbow bridge. He’s there all four times I drive by each weekday and every time I may drive by every non-weekday! I talk to him four times a day too.
In the mornings I shout, “Mornin’ Bill!” Close to 11:30 a.m., I shout “Hey Big Bill!” Around 12:15 p.m., I lovingly yell, “Damn, Bill!” And each evening, I brake to a slow roll, lower the window full and sing, “Ain’t no mountain high enough,” and then screech, “See ya’ in the morning big boy!”
One day, he may “moo” back.
#LoveBill #MyNorthStar #AlwaysThere #IwantAcow #BellaVista #Drivin’’Round #Cruisin’BellaVista #HeyY’all #DancingWithTerri #Terri’sDances
Love, the ultimate human longing and fulfillment
In haiku after haiku, 5-7-5
love communicates ... wordless - soundless - voiceless - mum ... understanding stills
love is a free fall ... experience of cherish ... live only to fall
she sits with herself ... understanding truth of love ... it comes in own time
love is like a storm ... gales and gust hurricane form ... a dance of samba
love tickles love heals ... love fuels life love gives laughter ... all are capable
love captivates sense ... love spreads with touch, words, passion ... love feeds off of love
love is ravishing ... enchanting and entrancing ... a yearning fervor
love, a crystal price ... all facets of diamond stuff ... including sparkle
love strengthens what is ... turns positive, enlightens ... love enhances all
entity of life ... love, the buoy the anchor ... essence to our souls
love reverberates ... echoes and resounds with roar ... explore the thunder
dancing together ... this I dream at daylights end ... then I will be free
love creates better ... love allows freedom to be ... gift of purity
so true are these words: ... "it is better to have loved ... than to never have loved at all" (yeah, 3 syllables over)
#valentinesday2016 #dancingwithterri2016 #love #haiku #poetry #VoicesOfTheHeart #danceswithterri #valentinesday
Christmas 2010 ... To my children
Maya Angelou is a wise woman (“wisdom that was earned”) and has an extraordinary way with words. What I love about her is she finds meaning in most every experience of her days. And she can put it into words with “passion and fire.” She has already lived a long life; seen the extreme good and extreme ugly in both persons and situations; and has a heart capable of forgiveness in not only what others may have caused and done, but of her own behaviors that may have been unconventional. I admire and respect this woman and her gift of words, and the life she has lived. I hope you will read her essays in this book entitled, Letter To My Daughter. As stated on the front cover, this book does not speak only to “daughters” ... there are lessons learned for all of us. Her words are so gentle, yet powerfully inspiring.
In my own heart, I know that there are things I have done that many find unconventional. Things, others find I “should have” done a different way, or in their minds, done the “wrong” way. At 50 years old, I have learned to appreciate the beauty of forgiveness ... and that it starts with forgiving yourself. The last four years of my life, I lived in a way that has brought financial struggle to my life. And since it is in “my” life, it is also brought into yours. Yes, I would do a couple things differently, if I could go back four years. We know, that is not possible. So, I have become stronger and determined to regain stability. But in doing so, this Christmas will not be as the ones we have been accustomed too. This Santa is so sorry for that because it has always been my great joy to find and splurge on Christmas morning stocking stuffers. There are so many changes in a lifetime. I have been so fortunate to have resilient children. I love each of you so much and this past year each of you has given me so much to be proud of. It is my happiness to watch each of you develop and grow in your unique ways ... to find your own pathways ... to dance to what you yourself hears ... the greatest triumph and truth in life is to live to the music within your own hearts ... there are no “should’s” in life ... there is only this: “When I walk in, they may like me or dislike me, but everyone knows I’m here.” You each do this, very well.
You are my Christmas joy. My life’s happiness.
Casey ... April 1997 ~ June 2011
The best dog ever, that's certainly true
That's the way Shannon, today, described you
You gave so much pleasure and love through the years
It's difficult now to stop the tears
I like best to remember the years of our dates
When we'd go to the Dam-site
Where you were free to run then dip in the lake
You loved the outdoors, the birds and rabbits
A few times I scolded when you brought to our door
The last years were tough, without the fenced yard
But you never complained as long as you could lay in the sun
Content to be close, you asked so very little
And believed every person special, here to see you
Dogs walking by, they all came to play
Their owners, some awed by your special colored eyes
Shane cried this morning, with his last petting
He'll miss the goodnight kisses on his way to bed every evening
Brendan and Danny each had their "good-bye”
It's hard to say goodbye when you go as far back as they remember
The Rainbow Bridge, I bet, is heavenly special
And no more groaning just getting up or lying down
Know that we love you
And there's a piece of our family gone
But you gave so much happiness for a nice time long
Your black and your white
And your lightning speed
Lives on in our hearts as today they do bleed
I know that you loved us
And I will always treasure
Those last two licks to my lips
As you fell asleep in my arms
You'll add brightness to that rainbow
As your days now are free
I'll remember you always
My sweet, sweet Casey!!
A Mother’s Truth
All’s so quiet
As the children, they are gone
Finding their own lives
In the school of their halls
Leaves me so peaceful
With no whining or calls
I love their school days
And my time all alone
Guilt feelings for this – NO
For I know they’ll come home
Proud of finding their own
As the years, they continue
I will cherish their hearts
Finding strength in their adventures,
relationship and youth
Bluejay Banter on the radio plays
Each Monday night, it’s a sweet glaze
My Danny’s voice interviewing
Omaha World Herald – Tom Shatel!
I smile to remember days of past
Their twitter feud that made me laugh!
I love this hour on Monday nights
The pride I feel in hearing his voice
When you pursue a something
That you are passionate about
You are so good for the world
And the world back to you.
A mother’s first wish for her child(ren)
Is that a passion one day comes along
The second, is that her child(ren)
Gets to experience first-hand!
Bluejay Banter,
Thanks for Monday nights!
"with Heath Gunderson and DAAANNNY O’BYRNE!"
Snow angels
And tunnels
Graced my day
Filled my heart
Full of love
As kids and I did play!!
Opening Day Baseball at Suburban
What a day! What a crowd…people of so many shapes and sizes everywhere…rejoining in the spirit of baseball…the warmth of the day is welcome to the past days of cold in this early mixed up stage of spring. The sun’s appearance is certainly a blessing and a surprise according to earlier meteorologist reports. The fields literally glow with the bright colors of the newly issued baseball uniform shirts…orange, yellow, navy, green, red, teal, and purple everywhere. The field maintenance is superb on this opening day, the green of the grasses freshly cut and shaped in its perfect crescent to distinguish infield from out. As I wait for Brendan’s game to begin, I wonder how many of this season’s dreams of hits, double plays, home-runs, pitching strike-outs, and wins will come true.
as Danny graduated ... and to each of my babies after
Reminders Along The Way
The stars, the sky
The birds, their songs
The flowers, the fields
The ocean so strong
The hills, the valleys
The babies, their cries
The statues, the heart
The steeples so high
The wind, the rain
The leaves, their fall
The spring, the buds
The winter so long
The sun, the moon
The words, their voice
The music, the rhyme
The future….your choice!
~ Dancing With Terri; a little bit of today and a little bit of my yesterday's ~
11/11/11 ~ November 11, 2011
Full circle of dark, darker than the night
Sliver lit up, bottom right
With imagination, see the smirking cat and the fiddle
Why does not the sliver ever light up from top to bottom
Always exhilaration to look up and see
Full shadow with only sliver of light
Even more so on the coldest of nights
Crisp and clear it warms with sight
If not for the chimes, the world would be quiet
Your song inspires, mandates to take notice
Sing forever, sweet chimes of mine
Dancing moon.....a beacon light
Shimmering translucent magic
Targeting delicious love in castle past
Enduring shadows of desire is found alive
Poet heart found love
Calling name in echo of time
The sun, moon and stars
Floating lights from heaven
Keep us safe and calm
In tingling hopes found beyond
hues of dreams
unsaid promises
through truth's memory
unspoken words
stroked love
delicious and unchallenged
Self-discovery journey.....
Whispers of memories - life's cherished moments
Hunger and yearning remembered
Concealed desire thirsts of kiss
Encounters enduring love
Mountain's peace, beyond places touched
Sensed heart's loss of love
But watches desire within soul
Welcome beautiful moonlit night
Image of a dance loitering in her head
Eternal turbulence beneath whirlpool of desire
Controlling her life, momentary
Darkness in sadness and heartache
As the shell of the pearl,
covers the gem we seek
Thrashing cold frosted shivers
Glittering scepter of Spring jewels
Summer sails embracing breeze
Skies of Autumn siege desire
.......... Seasons, whisper love
just some things
beachy morning mist
the isle where they run wild free
nature fills a need
#assateague #misty #morningfawn #haiku #naturesbeauty
pieces of the past
a 10
the hidden dandelion
the dance of yellow
salute to the lake
The Moon ... and ... The Love Of A Woman
I have a child-like fascination of the moon ... constantly intrigued ... filled with wonder ... I dance in delight, many times, at just the sight. Often, my children and friends are recipients of either a whisper, scream or phone call to "come and see THIS moon!" I'm not sure why, and I've never questioned. I am just thrilled that I find delight. This fascination is especially apparent on a day that may have brought an intense feel of loneliness/seclusion, overwhelming emotions, or "things" not going exactly as "planned."
I am MOST grateful for a beautiful moon at the end of those types of days as it re-births hope inside of me.
The day balances.
The nighttime brings peace.
Good solitude.
My insides quiet.
And respect.
That's what a beautiful moon demands: Respect. And awe.
It is only at this very moment, right after I have written that last line, that I understand why I would have dared thought to put what I am feeling tonight of the moon I witnessed after a long night at work together with this poem I read yesterday and can't get out of my heart.
"The love of a woman", also demands: Respect. And awe!!!
The Love Of A Woman ... by Robert White Creely
The love of a woman
is the possibility
which surrounds her as hair
her head, as the love of her
follows and describes
her. But what if
they die, then there is
still the aura
left, left sadly, but
hovers in the air, surely,
where this had taken place?
Then sing, of her, of whom
it will be said, he
sang of her, it was the
song he made which made her
happy, so she lived.
My insides quiet tonight out of respect (and awe) of the moon high in the sky ...
and knowing that it was the song he made which made me happy ...
... and so she danced ........ ~Terri
#DancingwithTerri Through the years
Let me always be as the moon . . .
The moon – it’s high beam tonight
Bright in its fullness –
Magnificent in light
No way is it unnoticed –
How in darkness there is sight
I wonder –
In the miles that separate us
If you see this splendor
The moon in full delight
And remember a time,
When we shared this mystery of sigh
Can you feel –
Just what it was in our marvel
The synchronicity in phases –
Like so much of life
I walk by;
It’s size catches my eye
I stop;
Turn to stare; magnetic is it’s grace
I stay;
Fallen with its light
The moon;
Round and full,
A beauty
Respondent to my life
This moment –
This moon – a peaceful
Transition to deepness of night
Moon still high in the sky
Though sun comes up on the other side
Transparent, showing wispy veins
Such a wonder and beauty in a day
So round, so huge, so much …..
A place of hope to begin the day
Harvest moon
so low in sky
Usually this time of night
high and white
Astonishing grace
more sensual than the look of lace
Drawing me always
so magnetic your face
You take me away
whatever my current strife
And give back
the wonder and beauty to life
Night luminescence
Bounty of world aglow
Full and perfect round
She gleams on all below
Shadows are cast
Silence, a pleasing lull
God’s gift to this night
Eyes agape for the show
What another moon!
Full and air so cold!
An oblong cloud hovers just below
A smiling sight
as I catch it through the blinds
Then outdoors I go
to see it full
Life revives!!
Delightful, not frightful
During this month of Halloween!
Last night, it sat on top of a steeple
For moments, rising in the east
No longer full, more than three quarter
Translucent pink to amber in the early rise
Humongous at the start it was
Rising behind the church of mine
The steeple shadowed
Claiming its very right
Exalting benediction ...
Causing one to kneel upon the glorious sight
Half the moon
peeking thru
my half-moon window
Love walking by
to find it staring at me
Also, a star
so bright
each time by
Caught up
in my own little world
this sight
refreshes me
There's so much more
these walls I live inside
Picking up
the phone, I
you won't answer
That's too bad
because there
is a sight to see!
Half a moon,
a winking star,
dancing with me
FIND MORE MOON POETRY**************************
In the moment we are born we're drawn to form a union with others ...
an abiding drive to connect ...
to love ...
to belong."
~ Revenge, episode airing 02/10/13 ~
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
~ Lao Tzu ~
Memories are postcards from the heart
They tell of the many roads we have traveled
And the people we have loved along the way
Some postcards from along the way
In song: "Something in the way he moves ...
attracts me like no other lover ...”
A silly grin spreads across my lips
no one here to witness it
as I catch myself drifting back
to hours before
it's almost trance-like
re-living moments
where all is so right
"standalone" is the word to describe it
Not strange at all to me
that I hear the sound of your voice
in the words displayed on my phone
that I hear your laugh in the sound of my own
that I see your smile provocative as mine
that I feel your heart in the words that I see
It doesn't matter the days or weeks that pass
for stronger than my heart
in a place deeper than we know
lies a comfort and content
of knowing where I belong
In the moments where you're present
I thrive beyond my means
foaking up the minutes we share
fnd smiling more than in one year
positive my strength endures
on all that I can feel
I grasp for the words to explain
the completeness that comes over me
in such short moments of time
on the other end of a line
As long as I live,
I will search for the way
to express and to write
and to paint it crystal clear
Once, you thought the writing great
As the words flowed from my heart straight
You impressed me and caged my heart
Almost right from the very start
Not far behind, I felt you go blind
And I most certainly did not mind
There was laughter and getting to know
There was conversation from our very soul
I caught you staring while standing above
As our eyes would meet, I felt the sweetness of love
I sought you out when I knew you were there
It was magic and our hearts thumped with care
Our interest caught us both surprised
Our lives were already super-sized
You instantaneously bettered mine
I complicated yours already entwined
One of us stepped back to analyze
Bringing tears to the other's eyes
Falling in love was simple and easy
With a man like you full of security
So I look in the mirror and ask if I am wrong
To love someone who I cannot belong
The shock for me is what I see
My eyes . . . the most beautiful green I have ever seen
Green equals true and I'm in love with you
That's why, I continue to write to you
Hoping that one day you will read
And remember the planted, perfect seed
Like ocean's waves
your love
High tide, you cover fully
Low tide, takes you away
In between the tides,
and calm
I stay on the beach
to wait
I long to feel the outreach of high tide
The times you flow toward me,
Sometimes you surprise me
And my heart swells in the know
From flowers hidden in my closet
To the poems you elegantly show
My ocean so deep
The place I continually long to be
Wanting to be submersed in her depths
The mysteries, she holds
Her truths, there for the finding
Her storms, her calms
The peace she unveils
And gives so willing
The only place in the world that stills me
Then he entered ~ found me at my ocean
His words, his looks, his lifetime stories
Intrigued me and submersed me into HIS depth
The mysteries, he holds
His truths, there for the finding
His storms, his calms
The peace he unveils
And gives so willing
He shows me another place ~ human ~ that seems to be stilling me
Laughing With You
Laughing with you . . .
Its heart-shaped and pure
Naïve and childlike
Glorious and stunning
Exquisite and splendid
It ravishes complete
Laughing with you . . .
Puts giggles in my heart
Allows smiles to attack
Consummates happiness
Makes the world rightly balance
It is the way it is meant
Shredded Love
So many photos taken . . . where do they go when the subjects are through
It seems strange to hide them, put them away
Out of sight
Make the other disappear
Such a simple task
Of erasure
Yet they still exist . . . the photos
Photos displayed . . . or not,
When does the mind fade them
Make the memories disappear
Shred the evidence that love ever lived here
Photos . . . Memories
. . . some cannot be justified
And it’s a battle with the mind
Worse . . . a deep scar to the heart
Out of sight . . . disappear damn you!
It is true, I am a woman of many, many moods
Just like an extravaganza of international foods
If my man could learn to accept and enjoy
The thrill of my ride like a newly bought toy
He would find that life is not meant to be
Always an island of still-aired palm trees
Yes, it is wonderful that he be consistently calm
With that, I have not a single qualm
In fact, because of our difference, the way I see it
We were brought together for the perfect fit
Together . . . we balance within the world
He with dominant logic ... I with emotional swirls
We have it all . . . nothing is left out
So Baby, learn to love my occasional pout
The “balance” you think I do not have within
Is actually my way of playing the violin
I love the dance I have chosen to dance
For me, it’s very much a romantic trance
Baby, love me the way that I am
I know, at times, it’s like loving the rose stem
But look how beautiful the flower
And how beautiful we shine in our together power
If not for the thorns of our rose stem
We couldn’t appreciate outside of mayhem
I fit with you, in every way
You with me, like a midsummer day
So roll with me in my moods
And I will learn to include
The joy of your logistics of simplistic
And whole living of optimistic
What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are,
but how you deal with incompatibility ~Leo Tolstoy
You feel the oasis
I’ve sought through my desert
I thirst for belonging
A place for my heart
You seem the stars
On a cloud-filled night
I’ve searched the heavens
For answers to prayers
You seem the fit
When your arms wrap me up
My body responds, in peace
I’m safe, I’m secure
You feel the silkiness
Of the ocean at calm
The place on this earth
That I call home
Such tragic and deep emotional losses this year
a year from hell, much of it
also the year that covid sent us all home to work
I copy/pasted my 2020 online journal into here
I have left it the way it is written
photos were not transferred
I have not written a whole lot of poetry/thoughts since this year
New year …. New day … welcome 2020!
46 degrees, sun shining bright, diamonds sparkling on the lake.
Birds having their fill, spectacular view, peace at its greatest take.
Redefining myself … will be the goal this year.
Body reshaping, a healthy mouth, living with no fear.
My terms, my dreams, my creative inspiration.
Determining the future … preparing for insulation.
2019 brought some stark realizations.
2020 will seek time and adaptation.
Mid-afternoon on this first day of the year, there is no sun;
just a blanket of clouds.
Wind moves from gentle and kind to gusts of playful deployment.
Leaves we have left to their will swirl and twirl to a new destination.
The rustling and movement scrapes along the pavement.
I crawl back inside and enjoy the passing of moments.
January 2
A poem I found at the end of 2019. It fascinates me. So, I’m bringin’ it with me into 2020.
"Remember" by Joy Harjo*
Remember the sky that you were born under,
know each of the star's stories.
Remember the moon, know who she is.
Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the
strongest point of time. Remember sundown
and the giving away to night.
Remember your birth, how your mother struggled
to give you form and breath. You are evidence of
her life, and her mother's, and hers.
Remember your father. He is your life, also.
Remember the earth whose skin you are:
red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth
brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them,
listen to them. They are alive poems.
Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the
origin of this universe.
Remember you are all people and all people
are you.
Remember you are this universe and this
universe is you.
Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you.
Remember language comes from this.
Remember the dance language is, that life is.
*from She Had Some Horses"
Nothing better than Friday’s! The third day of the new year. Just a reminder to myself:
January 8
Where do birds go at night? Once in a while this question pops in my head. I wonder at it as I sit early morning with birds flying everywhere and singing or mumbling while taking turns at the feeders on the deck. I delight at the pure number of cardinals consumed in this Bella Vista yard! At least 10-15 PAIR! No one believes me … and I remember the surprise when just ONE would appear at a feeder in Omaha. Now, I am worried when one fails to appear on any given morning or evening feeding. It is beautiful. Their patience in waiting “in line” for a spot on the feeder …. how the male will wait on the railing, taking guard watch duty, while his mate fuels her belly … and other pairs will line up also. It is a fantastic sight that sends “I am being watched over” emotion over my body. It’s a comfort really. I do find a magnificence in it. A love.
Other birds that appear from out of the trees and wait in the lineup or insert their hungry bodies onto a perch or a suet feeder in this lovely Bella Vista home.
The bluebird (photo) and the silly little red bellied woodpeckers that hang any way necessary from the suet feeders to peck on the variety of suets we have placed at any given time ... 4 separate bricks in two different feeders. Such loveliness. Such joy to watch.
Though an eagle is rare to see on our actual property, they do fly by and occupy the woods of our lands in the city. This photo taken by a Bella Vistan whose photography hobby graces FB pages in Bella Vista.
Photography down here is gifted with the thrills of nature and the knowing that at any moment some force of nature will appear and offer a great shot as well as a quiet moment of reflection and gift.
As one would logically assume, I guess, the answer to the question “where do birds go at night,” is found as …. Many bird species choose cavities or niches to roost in at night, which prevents predators from having easy access to them. These same cavities also provide shelter from poor weather and may include bird roost boxes or empty birdhouses. Snags, dense thickets, and tree canopies are other common roosting spots.
But this answer barely soothes the wonderment of the question. Maybe because I have never seen with my eyes any bird quietly asleep or resting in some crevice or canopy of tree! Do you know how many birds are out there?? How many you see in just one day … how and where do each of these flying creatures find a crevice to roost in during the darkness of night? And the swan, where does she go for protection and 8 hours of darkness? The geese that fill the waterways during daylight, WHERE the hell does each one find a sleeping place?
I’ll always wonder, I guess.
TGIF – January 10 … already the second Friday of the year.
The last several weeks, I have not seen my “Bill.” In fact, the small-penned area where Bill resided has been empty. I have even slowed down several times to look back into the meadow towards the beautiful farmhouse and barn inquisitively and hoping to catch a glimpse of him. To no avail. But today …. there is a sleek and slender new “Bill” … all black. What happened to Bill??? Of course, the most likely answer is he is now feed for the persons who live in that cutsie little farmhouse.
Last June, I wrote about Bill ….
(June 20, 2019)
This is Bill. At least that’s my name for him. He’s my north star … now that my Baby has crossed the rainbow bridge. He’s there all four times I drive by each weekday, and every time I may drive by every non-weekday! I talk to him four times a day too. In the mornings I shout, “Mornin’ Bill!” Close to 11:30 a.m., I shout “Hey Big Bill!” Around 12:15 p.m., I lovingly yell, “Damn, Bill!” And each evening, I brake to a slow roll, lower the window full and sing, “Ain’t no mountain high enough,” and then screech, “See ya’ in the morning big boy!”
One day, he may “moo” back.
#LoveBill #MyNorthStar #AlwaysThere #IwantAcow #BellaVista #Drivin’’Round #Cruisin’BellaVista #HeyY’all #DancingWithTerri #Terri’sDances
Miss you Bill!!
January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Day after Danny’s 32nd Birthday 😊
Another found writing from last Spring – 2019 – just another day where only a ride along some Ozark roads can lift a soul.
I like to think that there is no place on earth where in a 12-minute morning drive to work that one can experience the sparkle and serenity of the natural habitat:
Windy, curvy roads where sunshine and shadow play an endless game of hide n seek; turtle crosses the road - I stop to move him to the side he is headed; mama cows with so cute young calves, tails a swingin’ in delight of the cooler morn’; bird song and flying antics fill interval moments; Bill, my friend, always there, whom I roll down the window and call out a cheery, “good morning you handsome man, you!”; sheep grazing next to the Wilson church and country cemetery; the cutest damn ground hog inches from the road sitting up in salute fashion as if to wish me the best of day – not kidding, I believe he is there each morning and night for me only; in the thickness of roadside foliage, a deer slowly emerges as if a lookout for the three behind her clearing the way to cross to the other side; and on the last curve a little white church – New Home Church – awaits on a hilltop inviting even those who do not believe … to come home.
January 26 (a write-up on the Creighton Pink Out game)
From go.creighton.com More Than Words
The Pink Out that Creighton does has become the envy of many other schools nationwide, and is something that Greg McDermott brought to Omaha after starting it while at Iowa State when his wife, Theresa, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
McDermott was honored with the NABC's Coaches vs. Cancer Champions Award at the 2018 Final Four, a testament to his work in the community and with the program's annual Pink Out game.
Pink Out Auction Raises $31,803.18 This Year
Creighton raised $31,803.18 for this Sunday's "Creighton vs. Cancer Pink Out" Pink Out game vs. Xavier. Below are the final numbers for each jersey/item in the auction this year:
#0 $1725
#1 $585
#4 $7100
#5 $7000
#10 $1100
#11 $7350 <<<<<<<
#12 $600
#13 $3000
#20 $751.55
#21 $910
#23 $860
#24 $2800
#34 $826.66
#41 $710
#43 $460
Ball 1: $355 Ball 2: $355 Ball 3: $355 Ball 4: 365 Ball 5: $375
McDermott's Shoes: $350 McDermott's Tie: $259.97
Creighton has raised 266,714.18 since the start of the 2011-12 season during its annual men's basketball Pink Out.
Pink Out Details
When Creighton faces Xavier on Sunday, January 26th (3 p.m. tip-off) - Bluejay players will wear pink shooting shirts and pink jerseys for the game and fans have the opportunity to honor a friend or family member who has battled cancer or is currently battling cancer by purchasing the apparel via auction (the shooting shirt can be personalized – last name, nickname, etc.).
The first 16,000 fans entering the venue will receive a complimentary pink t-shirt courtesy of Methodist Health Systems & CHI Health.
"Pink Out" t-shirts are also available for purchase at Custom Sportswear locations. Complimentary "Pink Out" posters will be available to fans exiting the venue after the game.
Over the past nine years, the annual Creighton University Men's Basketball Pink Out game has raised $266,714.88 benefitting the Hope Lodge facility here in Omaha and the guests it serves.
All funds raised go to benefit Hope Lodge Omaha, which provides a free home away from home for cancer patients and their caregivers who must travel to Omaha to receive their lifesaving treatment. More than just a roof over their heads, it's a nurturing community that helps patients access the care they need.
On January 29, 2020 Hope Lodge Nebraska will mark the two-year anniversary of opening its doors. Hope Lodge Nebraska provides a free home away from home for cancer patients and their caregivers who must travel to receive their lifesaving treatment. More than just a roof over their heads, it's a nurturing community that helps patients access the care they need.
Since opening its doors in January 2018, Hope Lodge Nebraska has served over 2,600 patients and caregivers from 27 different states, provided nearly 18,000 nights of lodging and has saved those families nearly $3 million dollars.
Creighton & Xavier To The Wire
Since both teams officially joined the BIG EAST in the summer of 2013, 12 of the 16 meetings (including the BIG EAST Tournament) between Creighton and Xavier have been decided by eight points or less, with two games going to overtime.
Since the league reconfigured prior to the start of the 2013-14 season, only Butler vs. Seton Hall (13) has had also had 12 or more meetings decided by eight points or less.
Creighton is 3-2 this season in games decided by eight points or less.
January 28 (Teeny Tuesday)
Tuesdays are slow ~ teeny. Far enough past the weekend to dim its brightness. Yet, the passing time since allows for weekend events to “develop” through the heart and mind. What a celebratory weekend it was!
It was a celebration of Dan and the pancreatic cancer he was fighting. I don’t know that I told Shane enough, how proud I was of him organizing the O’Byrne clan to come together for this Pink Out Creighton game. He worked hard and had us ALL set up for two days together. A Saturday night dinner, after party, brunch on Sunday and game … housing the out of towners. He did marvelous and it was such important time together, to come together. I know Dan was so touched. Shane, thank you.
Covid-19 2020 Day One From Home 03/24 Still arrived late – haha … this unique experience of working from home has great advantages, other than waking, rolling over, no teeth brushing, and walking 100 feet to the new office setup! It has the windows out unto the natural world, on the lake. Today, there is stark contrast between the barren of winter and the new growth of green and color in bud! Overnight growth is the joy of the morn! There is melody of happy songs in the air as bird pairs prepare a nest for their next generation. Busyness of our delightful feathered friends stirring the pot, waking up the day and performing the morning dance is motivation enough.
And at the end of this fab work from home day, a thought:
“We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.”
– Lance Armstrong
Covid-19 2020 Day Three From Home 03/26
Yesterday was good. It scares me the amount of time dad spends in his office room. All 8 hours I sat here working. I’m scared. How do I help him?
Covid-19 2020 Day Four From Home 03/27
Little sun this morning
Gray fills the sky
Yet birds got it going right
Their song still filling and light
Day 4 begins and Friday it is ~ Coronavirus spreading with the wind ~ Case numbers higher ~ Death toll climbing ~ All I know working from home ~ Social distancing, now an everyday word ~
I think I’ll run to Lowes now for the first plantings of the year … maybe I’ll pick up some new seed too!
Hands in dirt … Awwwweeeee … feels good. Love. Love. Love. It’s a start – mostly greenery – flowers to come second week of April. Lookin’ good out there though.
Covid-19 2020 Day Five From Home 03/30
Day 5 at home seems less stressful … calm. Sun tried to make an appearance early this morning but has completely disappeared this late afternoon. The home routine was made for me! I hope we never go back!
(photo of Sir John)
How cute is this cutie?! Sir John, the son of Danny and Mary.
I hope they are doing OK – I’m not sure a trip to Pittsburgh this year is in the picture any longer. Oh those green eyes are so kitty-like. Beautiful!
I was hoping to find some inspiring writer words today; but when I sit down at this “work computer” they seem to escape me. So, gonna call Shane to make sure he is taking care of himself and finding some outdoor time from his apartment.
I did take a jaunt into the office to clean up a little and check the mail. I also had requests to mail stuff, so addressed envelopes and ran to post office. Funny, the world seems asleep. Traffic could not be better!
Love to the quiet world out there; 4:30 p.m., signing off for the day. Muah!
Covid-19 2020 Day Six From Home and FINALLY the last day of March: 03/31
On facebook today I watched the most beautiful turtle underwater. I had to share the beauty I watched … and wrote a poem to send out to the world:
Over and over and over I watched
Beauty and serenity began its launch
The world within the ocean deep
Seems undaunted by the craze we weep
💓🐢🥰😍 #aDanceWithTerri2020
The world quiets in quarantine
Thoughts become conversation
Nature, TV
Contact through screen or voice
Loved ones must stay away
Reflection – Redirection
coronavirus and spring
all around us
death and new life
cause a shush
sigh of disparity
sigh of wonderness
opposite worlds collide
let the heart guide
Spring decorum
Sight and sound
Agility with gentility
My heart does pound!
Diamonds on water
Blinding the eye
Morning riches
Added to reserve
Abundant gems
Pearl of soul
Wealth and fortune
Money cannot buy
vernal season
budding and flowering
each day prime
green peeks - pinks crown
lavender varnishes
and skirts around
You write for self-exploration.
You write to tap into collective energy.
You write to melt barriers.
You write for clarity.
You write to soften into the present moment.
You write to tap into the subconscious.
You write to bring forth the images already existing in the body.
You write to expand the imagination.
You write to enhance your intuition.
You write to harness sensuality.
You write as a means of exercising your creative fire which will in turn bring that same fire into all other creative endeavors including creating new paths, doorways, dreams, relationships and harmony.
You write to connect with the everything.
You write to feel full and whole once that connection takes hold through the arms and pen,
streaming both outward and inward onto a warm bubble of illuminating flow.
by Victoria Erickson
Covid-19 2020 Day Seven From Home 04/01
Let my heart sing in this beauty of spring
Take my being to the place of ringing
Let my world zing with the dance of swing
Making this fling a long-lasting cling
(best photo ever! remember when Charmin made color TP - will the photo here should be a roll of PINK Charmin)
Oh .... Look what treasure I found under the bathroom sink this morning!! A 💌 love note left by my mom!! 💓💌💓
Thanks for the extra heart beats and smile during this TP pandemic Mom!! I miss you every day ... and I treasure the messages left by you that I find every so often. Today, my heart is full.
~My FB post this morning above~
It was a moment indeed, to find this pink TP … the moments we are given in complete unexpectation are voices of time in connection with our daily movements and they never lose their wonderment, surprise and awe.
Covid-19 2020 Day Eight From Home 04/02
We write to heal.
We write to move forward.
We write to understand.
We write to stay present. ~ Victoria Erickson
And I would add:
We write to preserve.
Just talked to Shane. He sounds good … the last couple times, he seemed a little awestruck at what the world is going through … so I said as much … and he laughed a little and told me that when he had his head inside his dryer sanitizing it a few days ago, he decided that it was time to chill. So funny!! And he’s been good ever since! LOL He’s making good use of his time: running, eating right (which takes up a lot of time he says … writing down what works and what doesn’t and preparation), going to Meatball once a day (the owner is feeding his employees!! – all employees can stop by after noon every day for a take-out lunch/dinner which he prepares! WOW), reading (of course history – currently, a book on US History written by a historian who has collected writings from different area of history and put into a book, which as Shane says, is so much more a realistic view of history … he loves it), and school work (“all locked in and focused”). We talked of people taking up new hobbies through this pandemic and when I asked what his “hobby” might be … he suggested, writing. OH YES – DO IT SHANE-O!! It was comforting to hear his voice. Especially the positive vibes. I Love you!!!!!
Covid-19 2020 Day Nine From Home 04/03
Friday … the work week almost complete.
Still … is the day; cold and rain
Not a movement outside
Not a person in sight
Do the houses hold residents?
What activity might they
be in?
Coronavirus sucks up what it can
Yet there is perseverance
In the soul of man
Covid-19 2020 DayTen From Home 04/06
The azaela bush now filled with blossomed flowers
I remember Mom’s love for this pink
Her telling all, of its bloom
(photos of the azaela bush all pretty pink)
I know she sees her spring love with pride
And understands the happiness of my cry
Tulips opening this morning ~ so happy I planted
Mom would love ‘em too ~ and find my same enchantment
Thinking of you today mom ~ needing a little courage ~ you know Dad, and his hospital worries ~ in the middle of this pandemic ~ the hospital is going ahead with his colonoscopy ~ isn’t that messed up? ~ It totally stresses me ~ I am unable to go inside due to new coronavirus restrictions ~ Can you accompany him, please ~ tomorrow, April 7 @ 8:15 a.m. ~ I miss you and thank you!
Covid-19 2020; day number, no longer important 04/10
The April moon tonight … so bright
shines hope on this pandemic plight
The light in darkness -
together the world to share
as we reach for slumber
to take us there
Zoom with my babies tonight … so different the world becomes … so cool it was to have all at one time … so different, becomes really good! – xo – xo – xo – xo –
Covid-19 2020 Easter!
Ravage from the skies last night
Trying like hell to rid the world’s nightmare of covid-19
Try as it might … death rises and rises
Over five hundred thousand suffer in its grip
The sky’s tumultuous show of strength and might
Proliferate and heighten the need to fight
(photos of a complete dining room table full of dog baskets and goodies, for two dogs)
Easter Bunny came!!
Covid-19 2020 april 16
an axe came down; one day less to operate
one day less of income; desperate?
despair takes a sidestep; a four-day work week temperate
knowing I am a lucky one; no mortgage to compensate
what of others not so fortunate u.s. unemployment staggers with cumulate
so many must be horribly desolate
this world continues to isolate
taking away all that is intimate
finding it harder to correlate
how to delineate and narrate on deaths to enumerate
how are there those left insensate?
and those who misrelate
and purposely contaminate
an axe did come down; so, time to regenerate, revalidate, reactivate, illustrate, facilitate, accentuate, accelerate, annunciate, and intoxicate in the articulate
… together, as one, the world begs to find a vaccinate
and then, equilibrate
Covid-19 2020 april 17
“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
No sun
But emotion and inspiration run
Spring’s green
Keeps visual supreme
On backdrop of cold and dreary
Today feels cheery
Covid-19 2020 april 18
(photo of a project)
Handy dandy Terri! Finished today – made from a pallet – two sided! – I love it –
I even made it through Dad’s and others’ comments (or lack of)!! … whatever, when logic is the only way a brain works, you can’t expect appreciation for the creative brain!! It only bothered me for a couple hours. I know what I did and its usefulness. Way to go Ter!! 😊
Covid-19 2020 april 20
April speeding along … much faster than creep n crawl March.
It can’t be easy, I know, to be locked up inside your 35 year old home unable to get out into the world when that world consisted of weekly Rotary meetings, bi-monthly BV Foundation meetings, a full Arkansas Razorback baseball schedule (3-4 game outings a week), regular trips to Branson for double whammy shows, a Saturday night cruise to West Fork for the Little Ole Opry house and slice of pie, a six-pack country show lineup at the AMP to look forward too, a Mother’s Day outing to Branson to meet up with Shannon & Dennis weekend (cancelled), a Memorial Day Branson weekend with Steve & Patty & kids (cancelled) and the yearly CWS trip cancelled in June before it even got planned! He is bored out of his mind. I see despair and loneliness in his eyes. His voice is so low … lack of verbal communication?? Hoarsy sounding … maybe, not enough liquids getting in him? I wish there were SOME THING I could find to interest him. I have suggested two weekends in a row that we just drive through Branson or take a drive into Oklahoma or SOME WHERE. Twice he has denied any joy in doing that … “No.” ☹ He is slouched now. I noticed the severity the other night … it worries me – like nothing left to stand up straight for. I know we have it 95% better than so, so many people, but it must feel ‘horrid’ to him, as it has wiped out every piece of joy and motivation he had left. I don’t want him to be ‘crotchity’ … but I fear it’s happening. I want the man that led us through Japan on an adventure every weekend!
Covid-19 2020 april 21
with this view (photos)
mornings during this stay-at-home mandate are pure pleasure
with coffee in hand and three days-worth of bed-head hair
i love the time with nature i now get to share
the time it takes to get from bed to work chair
stress-free, without a care
the glory of what all must be missing in a debonair
such plentitude without that of a millionaire
the morning’s a dance with affectionate flair
a book writing of self-aware
the joy of solitaire
Covid-19 2020 april 24
Friday again … today’s is wet … day three of rain … oh my, ‘tis time to refrain
I’ve got me an oriole … he feeds on grape jelly … in a pretty little cup … made just for him … he’s been here three times, I’ve seen … a joyous delight … colors so vivid … markings defined … another awe of nature who drew this little bird of flight … just passing through …
Make that THREE little orioles … fighting for food … a 2 p.m. snack battle … going on out there … bright orange beauty … for my soul’s delight
2020 covid-19 april 25
Melodies are clear
Feeders full with a lineup on the rail
In the trees and the back of chairs
Sky dispassionate
Peekaboo game with sun goin’ on
Makin’ diamonds on water, then gone
So, on to baking so that we can eat because there’s certainly nothing else to do. Haha Asked Dad once again if he wanted to go for a ride. “No, not really. Should go to Braum’s sometime.” Half a gallon of milk left. Braum’s is the ONLY milk he will drink. But the trip is worth it for the sweet tea too. And Brendan and I have found the joy of GOOD bacon (half the price of grocery stores) and the ice cream has found a small place in Dad’s heart during this stay-at-home place in life. Part of his Arkansas baseball games routine was to stop at Braum’s in Fayetteville for a chocolate milkshake on the way home each day. ☹ Back to baking:
Grandma Coe’s Applesauce Spice Cake (which is really misleading of the title because it’s actually a “bread pan” cake)
Fire Station 1 Banana Bread (Brendan starts shift tomorrow)
Bird Seed Filler … homemade!
Applesauce Spice Cake … in the oven. Sitting on deck with both dogs; laptop on my lap; sun now out with those big poufy clouds; Bella bugging Jax as he positions in the sun … life is good! This Applesauce Spice Cake actually has a frosting; heading in to whip that up.
Frosting whipped and waiting …. Cake just out of oven …. 2 loaves banana chocolate chip bread in oven …. OH LOOK – hummingbird at my very pretty Amazon ordered round hummingbird feeder. Life in Bella Vista truly is a bird watcher’s paradise. One of these days I’ll bring my real camera out and try to take those pics that other people always post to FB … the detail and clarity professional style. 60 mins left on the banana bread; how ‘bout a short nap on this lovely cushioned “couch” that used to reside on Grandma Mueller’s screened in porch …. Remembering now the times at her Cass Street home, right next to Peony Park in Omaha that the Anderson clan would gather for Thanksgiving …. Good, loving memories …. And her first of just two granddaughters. Heart, Heart. TWO hummingbirds now and a fight with another bird to stay at the feeder …. Yeah, getting the blue couch cushions out now to add pleasure to the show and soul.
45 min nap with Bella outside and the restless Jax to which we opened our eyes every 4 minutes …. Finally falling into settled down slumber just in time to hear the timer going off to take out the banana bread! Bird song, slight neighbor leaf blowing/mowing, voices off the lake and ruffling bird feathers giving pleasant, pleasant soothe to the day! What a beauty!! Yes, life is good.
2020 covid-19 april 26, 2020
Went to Lowes. Bought some flowers. Planted. 😊 Pretty.
2020 covid-19 april 27, three year anniversary of mom passing
(photo here will be at the end of this year-long journal piece #1)
This is the most clever and inspiring “meme” to come out of the coronavirus so far. Impressive! Hail to the Librarian!
(photo here will be at the end of this year-long journal piece #2)
I don’t even remember where I found this photo (probably from all the photos we went through after Grandma’s death) … and not sure why it is on my work computer!! (Probably wanted it scanned for something). Grandma’s handwriting “Daddy” in one of her scrapbooks. Love, Love.
This is Grandpa Geiger, Mom’s dad.
(photo here will be at the end of this year-long journal piece #2)
And oh how I love this photo found while searching for Woodstock photos! Had to keep it and use it every August to commemorate Woodstock! I wish I had been of the age to go! Last year was 50 years … I bought a coffee table book too … just because. Interesting shit!
2020 covid-19 april 28
“A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew/A cloud, and a rainbow’s warning/Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue/An April day in the morning.” — Harriet Prescott Spofford
My covid-19 Orioles
first one; then two; then three;
now four
mama oriole joins the group
a bland, paled down orange
not the bright, “can’t miss me” color of the male
camouflaged to protect her higher purpose
a blessing this ‘stay-at-home’
to witness the coming and goings
their brightness so vivid
giving smile to every sighting
three times a day
grape jelly
even taking turns … no fighting
bliss in witness
my covid-19 orioles
maybe tomorrow
will bring even more
maybe they will be on their way
to wherever it is they travel
while passing through my village
I will have to wait
for the brightness to return
Some days there is too much to share and write and I get all fuzzy inside 😊
2020 covid-19 april 29
May 18 @ 7:30 a.m. Bella in for spaying. Dew claw removal. She’ll never get to be a mom. ☹
Furlough day off today. Jax out at 6 a.m.; time to get up!
Finally posted for recommendations on all that brush to be removed and some tree trimming on the BV Neighbors website … got some responses, so will call two for estimates …. Dad approved – Halleluja! 😊
sun arrived early
only to disappear
felt good
for a while
now back to uncheery
rain moving in
again and again
mother nature
should spread out
her tantrums
to the heat sodden days
of July, August, September
Mother’s day/may 9
Mother’s Day 2020
A weekend of love and dance
Nature dances with me
sun + water sparkle, free
breeze unseen chimes with my coffee
woodpecker busy, so pretty
a squirrel gathering, in committee
bluebird eyes homemade suet hungry
orioles line up in tree, feast grape jelly
past days’ rain displays green contrary
growth arbitrary
and hearty
gallery of song dainty, merry, lovely
with human sound stymied
the glory
in such creation of fantasy
dancing happy
this early morn Saturday
I grabbed my camera, the one I bought myself Christmas 2018, yesterday! So why did I wait so long? The inspiration of the Oriole made me remember, since my cell phone wasn’t producing the beauty of the bird! Wow! Yeah, just wow! Impressive shots and joy to me! Having the camera in my hands again proved solace and victory. 😊 Yeah, so why so long? Goal today is to learn how to “quickly” disseminate these lovely photos … camera has wifi; gotta find how to use it easily. Me and easy, go a long way. I woke today knowing that the entire day is to be spent writing and getting the photos signaturized (new word) and onto the paper digitally. #CovidProject2020
I love them! Great job, Ter. A little more practice later to create one(s) with color. The website MyPhotoSign.com allows for gray, white and black with a very easy two-step process. Now, let’s see about getting on a photo.
Wow, 6 p.m. … 4.5 hours looking for the way to get this photo signature on a photo … and I am still stuck.
Dad enjoyed the soup. “Tastes like it used too.” 😊
10:45 p.m. … still no idea how to get my “signature” on my photos!
Look at this guy! Couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked up and saw this at the feeder. Look at the little chubby!
“Baby” cardinal? Still with his furry feathers?
Not sure, but he/she is the cutest! Love!
This is what I woke up to this morning.
Temps were low to mid 30s overnight.
This was just beautiful.
Mother’s Day flowers from Brendan before he left (work Saturday and off for a two-day camping trip with friends when he gets off his shift. Love, love, love!
some kind of woodpecker … big daddy here a moment before this guy
morning feeding brings them all
it’s great to be up early to watch them fly in
Mom’s favorite planter / made by her
This year I filled it; last year I didn’t
Looking pretty; though has a crack down the backside
Bunnies were her favorite
Until Santas became her craze
Her ceramic talent kept her satisfied
Content, creative and passified
Often told the eyes she painted were best-ever seen
Today, remembering the pride she wore
In each finished treasure
Miss you bunches; wish you were here
We didn’t tell you enough
That your talent is very dear
Always my love to you Mom
2020 covid-19 may 12
Haven’t brushed my hair or teeth two days now. Have thrown pants on under whatever I wore to bed the night before and a jacket sweatshirt right over top it, the last two days.
The rain is relentless
Gloomy and grey
Feeders all empty
Nothing else to do for the birds/who wants to play in all grey?
I mean lights in house on grey
And the air chill is high
45 degree temperature highs
In May is obscene
☹ of course the two days of gloom and doom
Cold and mush
Mean that the yard invasion grows more immense in brush
Whomever may arrive at whenever they feel like it time
Will have double the work than what was given as quote
Oh well, not for me to worry
Choice made by them to put off
Means I get my money’s worth!
Seems the tomato cage waiting for the plants to grow
Is in constant state of droplets hanging on
Brendan’s camping cut short a day
Nighttime temps a little much with no tent
Gloom and doom ends here.
Shane’s rental company just shared with tenants that monthly rent will go up $115 a month at next renewal! During a pandemic with people losing jobs that seems disgusting to me. Greedy. Unethical. His is renting a studio apartment; rent already over $900. There can’t be more than 480 sq feet. I know he has enjoyed having his own again, this past 10 months … I know the gratitude of living in space that is “your own.” I know the “something, not quite right” feel of living in space that is owned by another. There is a difference. He knows his family is more than ready to allow his move in with them for a time, but with that move into takes away a tiny bit of integrity and pride … and the feel of having one’s own ‘rules’ of engagement taken away. He seems to take it all in stride, saying, “not sure what I’m going to do yet, that’s two months away,” but I guess that he feels slighted with this pandemic stuff that has taken his job. It’s been a little difficult to live in his 480 sq feet, basically one room mansion, for the last 9 weeks alone, going nowhere, and seeing on one. But it was his. Gave him the option of coming down here for a week (or however long) during his 2-week between semesters break. It would be good for him to have different surrounding for a time during this stay at home worldly scene! I would like that he take me up on the offer. Quality time with him would be great … there’s hiking and natural beauty galore down here that I’m sure he would love! He and Brendan could have a couple nights of brotherly bonfires down by the lake. At the same time, I offered to him a place to live for as long as necessary once his lease is up … if he would like. With a small vacation down here at end of May, he would have a chance to check that option out … if it would make sense to/for him. Just throwin’ it all out. My baby. 😊 Life with Brendan has been super --- each of us doing our own thing. So what’s another?!
My guy showed up about a week ago and the last couple of days has been digging in to the Oriole food (grape jelly)! He loves it. He spends time in the flower bucket outside the window here and flies to a feeder. I noticed him, he seems to be the lone one, a couple days ago and wondered what the heck it was. I found out yesterday on FB when someone else posted their guy in their grape jelly. What is funny: starting a couple weeks ago, I would go outside and hear a cat mewing. I would stare into the trees, looking for a cat stuck in one. This happened five or six times! NOW, I know what it was! A Cat Bird. God, I love it here. In reference to FB, I have found that many people are having multiple Orioles in/on their feeders and many say that there have never been so many around. A lucky year! And I’m glad for it.
Dad just finished with a virtual appt with his cardiologist. Pacemaker is doing its job. AFib is back. Solamon recommends another ablation. Dad told him, he’d think about it. According to Dr. S, it may possibly have gone back into AFib once Dad quit taking the Amiodorone. I just don’t get it. Why has he not tried another med … Flecanide? And they must be able to tell at exactly what point did the AFib return? Right after stopping the Amiodorone? I don’t want Dad to go back into hospital … not now … I don’t know if he truly has the strength / want to get through another stay. Though hell, it would be a change of scenery for sure! #covid-19 I hate that he is a worrier about this stuff. He will mull this around in his mind now for days/weeks. His sleeping is definitely not improving. HAVE TO find something he would be interested in.
Father’s day fast approaching…
2020 covid-19 May 29
It’s a Dominos night! Friday finally – this week a long one. But the sun should be shining for the next few days! What a stretch of rain and clouds and thunder and lightening! Beautiful out right now. Brendan made some Pink Senorita’s! Yum – a recipe I had printed off a few months ago. Sitting on this pretty flowered deck watching the Friday early evening boat traffic drift by along with the everyday fishermen. Bella loves it out here; content with the squirrel shit and itty bitty twigs that fall. Gonna have to watch my cucumbers … she stands up to pick off the flowers of the plant … ugh! She was spayed on the 13th … all fixed up. A crazy first night though … and then five nights of girl slumber party on the floor on top of a pile of blankets, sheets and pillows – fun! She’s a good mate – love her bunches!!
2020 covid-19 May 31 … last day of May … this one went fast
In what was at one time a normal year, the world would be getting ready for the College World Series. Strange to me is this: After only 2 and a half months, life in pandemic mode almost seems the “normal” now. That is not hard to say. As I wrote this first sentence and I started thinking about the CWS, it feels like life before March 2020 is of another universe. And this week, the killing of George Floyd by a Minnesota police officer has brought the U.S. down to its knees.
Protests; peaceful then violent.
2020 covid-19 and now George Floyd June 1st
Been reading things. It occurred to me after an astonished reply from my oldest child about me not “understanding” all the destruction and looting that maybe I’m not thinking it all through – maybe I am looking black/white and not within the shades of those colors. Black lives most definitely do matter. And my thoughts after two nights of watching violence erupt and then having Shane texting with updates in Omaha on Saturday night. His texts seemed full of astonishment with some frightened fringe, so I started watching the Omaha Police Scanner – one thing led to another. I felt some panic and unease just in the watching.
A blog post:
The moralizing has begun.
Those who have rarely been the target of organized police gangsterism are once again lecturing those who have about how best to respond to it. Be peaceful, they implore, as protesters rise up in Minneapolis and across the country in response to the killing of George Floyd. This, coming from the same people who melted down when Colin Kaepernick took a knee — a decidedly peaceful type of protest. Because apparently,
when white folks say, “protest peacefully,” we mean “stop protesting.”
Everything is fine, nothing to see here.
It is telling that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the evils of violence, even as we enjoy the national bounty over which we claim possession solely as a result of the same. I beg to remind you, George Washington was not a practitioner of passive resistance. Neither the early colonists nor the nation’s founders fit within the Gandhian tradition. There were no sit-ins at King George’s palace, no horseback freedom rides to affect change. There were just guns, lots and lots of guns.
We are here because of blood, and mostly that of others. We are here because of our insatiable desire to take by force the land and labor of others. We are the last people on Earth with a right to ruminate upon the superior morality of peaceful protest. We have never believed in it and rarely practiced it. Instead, we have always taken what we desire, and when denied it, we have turned to means utterly genocidal to make it so.
Even in the modern era, the notion that we believe in non-violence or have some well-nurtured opposition to rioting is belied by the evidence. Indeed, white folks riot for far less legitimate reasons than those for which African Americans might decide to hoist a brick, a rock, or a bottle. We have done so in the wake of Final Four games, or because of something called Pumpkin Festival in Keene, New Hampshire. We did it because of $10 veggie burritos at Woodstock ’99, and because there weren’t enough Porta-Potties after the Limp Bizkit set. We did it when we couldn’t get enough beer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake, and because Penn State fired Joe Paterno. We did it because what else do a bunch of Huntington Beach surfers have to do? We did it because a “kegs and eggs” riot sounds like a perfectly legitimate way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Albany.
Far from amateur hooliganism, our riots are violent affairs that have been known to endanger the safety and lives of police, as with the infamous 1998 riot at Washington State University. According to a report at the time: The crowd then attacked the officers from all sides for two hours with rocks, beer bottles, signposts, chairs, and pieces of concrete, allegedly cheering whenever an officer was struck and injured. Twenty-three officers were injured, some suffering concussions and broken bones.
Twenty-two years later, we wait for academics to ruminate about the pathologies of these whites in Pullman, whose culture of dysfunction was taught to them by their rural families and symbolized by the recognizable gang attire of Carhartt work coats and backward baseball caps.
Back to the present: To speak of violence done by black people without uttering so much as a word about the violence done to them is perverse. And by violence, I don’t mean merely that of police brutality. I mean the structural violence that flies under the radar of most white folks but which has created the broader conditions in black communities against which those who live there are now rebelling. Let us remember, those places to which we refer as “ghettos” were created, and not by the people who live in them. They were designed as holding pens — concentration camps were we to insist upon plain language — within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. Generations of housing discrimination created them, as did decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. They were created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.
And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One need not throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. Zoning laws, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all are violence, however much we fail to understand that.
As I was saying, it is bad enough that we think it appropriate to admonish persons of color about violence or to say that it “never works,” especially when it does. We are, after all, here, which serves as rather convincing proof that violence works quite well. What is worse is our insistence that we bear no responsibility for the conditions that have caused the current crisis and that we need not even know about those conditions. It brings to mind something James Baldwin tried to explain many years ago: …this is the crime of which I accuse my country and my countrymen and for which neither I nor time nor history will ever forgive them, that they have destroyed and are destroying hundreds of thousands of lives and do not know it and do not want to know it…but it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the rime.
White America has a long and storied tradition of not knowing, and I don’t mean this in the sense of genuinely blameless ignorance. This ignorance is nothing if not cultivated by the larger workings of the culture. We have come by this obliviousness honestly, but in a way for which we cannot escape culpability. It’s not as if the truth hasn’t been out there all along.
It was there in 1965 when most white Californians responded to the rebellion in the Watts section of Los Angeles by insisting it was the fault of a “lack of respect for law and order” or the work of “outside agitators.” The truth was there, but invisible to most whites when we told pollsters in the mid-1960s — within mere months of the time that formal apartheid had been lifted with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — that the present situation of black Americans was mostly their own fault. Only one in four thought white racism, past or present, or some combination of the two, might be the culprit.
Even before the passage of civil rights laws in the 1960s, whites thought there was nothing wrong. In 1962, 85 percent of whites told Gallup that black children had just as good a chance as white children to get a good education. By 1969, a mere year after the death of Martin Luther King Jr., 44 percent of whites told a Newsweek/Gallup survey that blacks had a better chance than they did to get a good-paying job. In the same poll, eighty percent of whites said blacks had an equal or better opportunity for a good education than whites did. Even in the 1850s, during a period when black bodies were enslaved on forced labor camps known as plantations by the moral equivalent of kidnappers, respected white voices saw no issue worth addressing.
According to Dr. Samuel Cartwright, a well-respected physician of the 19th century, enslavement was such a benign institution that any black person who tried to escape its loving embrace must be suffering from mental illness. In this case, Cartwright called it “Drapetomania,” a malady that could be cured by keeping the enslaved in a “child-like state,” and by regularly employing “mild whipping.” In short, most white Americans are like that friend you have, who never went to medical school, but went to Google this morning and now feels confident he or she is qualified to diagnose your very pain. As with your friend and the med school to which they never gained entry, most white folks never took classes on the history of racial domination and subordination, but are sure we know more about it than those who did. Indeed, we suspect we know more about the subject than those who, more than merely taking the class, actually lived the subject matter.
When white folks ask, “Why are they so angry, and why do some among them loot?” we betray no real interest in knowing the answers to those questions. Instead, we reveal our intellectual nakedness, our disdain for truth, our utterly ahistorical understanding of our society. We query as if history did not happen because, for us, it did not. We needn’t know anything about the forces that have destroyed so many black lives, and long before anyone in Minneapolis decided to attack a liquor store or a police precinct.
For instance, University of Alabama History Professor Raymond Mohl has noted that by the early 1960s, nearly 40,000 housing units per year were being demolished in urban communities (mostly of color to make way for interstate highways. Another 40,000 were being knocked down annually as part of so-called urban “renewal,” which facilitated the creation of parking lots, office parks, and shopping centers in working-class and low-income residential spaces. By the late 1960s, the annual toll would rise to nearly 70,000 houses or apartments destroyed every year for the interstate effort alone. Three-fourths of persons displaced from their homes were black, and a disproportionate share of the rest were Latino. Less than ten percent of persons displaced by urban renewal and interstate construction had new single-resident or family housing to go to afterward, as cities rarely built new housing to take the place of that which had been destroyed. Instead, displaced families had to rely on crowded apartments, double up with relatives, or move into run-down public housing projects. In all, about one-fifth of African American housing in the nation was destroyed by the forces of so-called economic development.
And then, at the same time that black and brown housing was being destroyed, millions of white families were procuring government-guaranteed loans (through the FHA and VA loan programs) that were almost entirely off-limits to people of color, and which allowed us to hustle it out to the suburbs where only we were allowed to go. But we can know nothing about any of that and still be called educated. We can live in the very houses obtained with those government-backed loans, denied to others based solely on race, or inherit the proceeds from their sale, and still believe ourselves unsullied and unimplicated in the pain of the nation’s black and brown communities.
As much of the country burns, literally or metaphorically, it is time to face our history. Time to stop asking others to fight for their lives on our terms, and remember that it is their collective jugular vein being compressed. It is their windpipe being crushed. It is their sons and daughters being choked out and shot and beaten and profiled and harassed.
It is their liberty and freedom at stake.
But, by all means white people, please tell us all the one again about how having to wear the mask at Costco is tyranny.
Written by Tim Wise
I’m an antiracism educator/author. I Facebook; tweet @timjacobwise, podcast at Speak Out With Tim Wise; post bonus content at atreon.com/speakoutwithtimwise
Finally, a voice of reason came out today … in a facebook post at least:
Barak Obama …
As millions of people across the country take to the streets and raise their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd and the ongoing problem of unequal justice, many people have reached out asking how we can sustain momentum to bring about real change.
Ultimately, it’s going to be up to a new generation of activists to shape strategies that best fit the times. But I believe there are some basic lessons to draw from past efforts that are worth remembering.
First, the waves of protests across the country represent a genuine and legitimate frustration over a decades-long failure to reform police practices and the broader criminal justice system in the United States. The overwhelming majority of participants have been peaceful, courageous, responsible, and inspiring. They deserve our respect and support, not condemnation – something that police in cities like Camden and Flint have commendably understood.
On the other hand, the small minority of folks who’ve resorted to violence in various forms, whether out of genuine anger or mere opportunism, are putting innocent people at risk, compounding the destruction of neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment and detracting from the larger cause. I saw an elderly black woman being interviewed today in tears because the only grocery store in her neighborhood had been trashed. If history is any guide, that store may take years to come back. So let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.
Second, I’ve heard some suggest that the recurrent problem of racial bias in our criminal justice system proves that only protests and direct action can bring about change, and that voting and participation in electoral politics is a waste of time. I couldn’t disagree more. The point of protest is to raise public awareness, to put a spotlight on injustice, and to make the powers that be uncomfortable; in fact, throughout American history, it’s often only been in response to protests and civil disobedience that the political system has even paid attention to marginalized communities. But eventually, aspirations have to be translated into specific laws and institutional practices – and in a democracy, that only happens when we elect government officials who are responsive to our demands.
Moreover, it’s important for us to understand which levels of government have the biggest impact on our criminal justice system and police practices. When we think about politics, a lot of us focus only on the presidency and the federal government. And yes, we should be fighting to make sure that we have a president, a Congress, a U.S. Justice Department, and a federal judiciary that actually recognize the ongoing, corrosive role that racism plays in our society and want to do something about it. But the elected officials who matter most in reforming police departments and the criminal justice system work at the state and local levels.
It’s mayors and county executives that appoint most police chiefs and negotiate collective bargaining agreements with police unions. It’s district attorneys and state’s attorneys that decide whether or not to investigate and ultimately charge those involved in police misconduct. Those are all elected positions. In some places, police review boards with the power to monitor police conduct are elected as well. Unfortunately, voter turnout in these local races is usually pitifully low, especially among young people – which makes no sense given the direct impact these offices have on social justice issues, not to mention the fact that who wins and who loses those seats is often determined by just a few thousand, or even a few hundred, votes.
So the bottom line is this: if we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We have to mobilize to raise awareness, and we have to organize and cast our ballots to make sure that we elect candidates who will act on reform.
Finally, the more specific we can make demands for criminal justice and police reform, the harder it will be for elected officials to just offer lip service to the cause and then fall back into business as usual once protests have gone away. The content of that reform agenda will be different for various communities. A big city may need one set of reforms; a rural community may need another. Some agencies will require wholesale rehabilitation; others should make minor improvements. Every law enforcement agency should have clear policies, including an independent body that conducts investigations of alleged misconduct. Tailoring reforms for each community will require local activists and organizations to do their research and educate fellow citizens in their community on what strategies work best.
I recognize that these past few months have been hard and dispiriting – that the fear, sorrow, uncertainty, and hardship of a pandemic have been compounded by tragic reminders that prejudice and inequality still shape so much of American life. But watching the heightened activism of young people in recent weeks, of every race and every station, makes me hopeful. If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals. Let’s get to work.
2020 covid-19 and now George Floyd June 4
Busy out on the lake this early afternoon! Boats anchoring, kayaks and tubes floating and Brendan and Jax swimming and laying out down on the landing … talking with the fishermen floating by. A little 70s jams floating through the air. Lots of splashing out there today with the 90 plus degree temps and humidity that seems 100% …. Yuk!
It’s a warm one. Fun news …. My hanging wicker chair arrived this week! Then my other “zen” purchases started rolling in … a bamboo walkway, plastic side table, wood wind chimes, a chair cushion and pillows …. and I am psyched. Now, to find someone to hang it!! I just finished moving the three wood pallets downstairs from the cement patio over into the rocks in front and to the right of where my chair will hang … “my zen table” and moved the gorgeous plantings I made over onto it. Need to take the Weekly Vista bench I made to the Weekly Vista porch. Talked Dad into moving the table and 4 outdoor chairs on the deck down onto the basement patio … need room for his father’s day chair next weekend. Brendan’s got his 4 days off pretty packed up, but maybe one of the evenings will work out to get the table/chairs off the deck and downstairs. We’ll see. I should just hire some handyman to hang my chair, maybe the hanging chair dad bought TWO years ago and the hammock. I’ve got the space marked out; and it will be a cool space once all gets done! 😊 Love, Love, Love. All under the cover of deck.
2020 covid-19, George Floyd and now Rayshard in Atlanta June 14
The world is mad. At least the people of the United States are mad.
As well they should be.
And a covid-19 perspective …
It’s a mess out there now. Hard to discern between what’s a real threat and what is just simple panic and hysteria. For a small amount of perspective at this moment, just imagine you were born in 1900.
On your 14th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday. 22 million people perish in that war. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday. 50 million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million.
On your 29th birthday, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy.
When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. And don’t try to catch your breath. On your 41st birthday, the United States is fully pulled into WWII because of the attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war.
Smallpox was epidemic until you were in your 40’s, as it killed 300 million people during your lifetime.
At 50, the Korean War starts. 5 million more perish. From your birth, until you are 55 you dealt with the fear of Polio epidemics each summer. You experience friends and family contracting polio and being paralyzed and/or die.
At 55 the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. 4 million people perish in that conflict. During the Cold War, you lived each day with the fear of nuclear annihilation. On your 62nd birthday you experience the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, almost ended. When you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends.
Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How did they endure all of that? When you were a kid in 1985 and didn’t think your 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. And how mean that kid in your class was. Yet they survived through everything listed above. Perspective is an amazing art. Refined and enlightening as time goes on. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Your parents and/or grandparents were called to endure all of the above, you are called to stay home and sit on your...couch.
The other day
Dad said to me
The world will be as this to the end of my life
He will have to wear a mask
Every day he seeks to leave home
For the rest of his life
Most likely
He will not see the inside of any restaurant
For the rest of his life
Most likely
He will not get to Branson for his beloved shows
For the rest of his life
Most likely
He will not get to travel as once before
For the rest of his life
Most likely
He will not get to cruise the aisles of Sams
For the rest of his life
Most likely
He will not see a live Razorbacks baseball game
For the rest of his life
Most likely
He will get to see his grandchildren and greats only 1 time a year
For the rest of his life
This, weighs heavy on me
Puts “taking for granted” in true perspective
Makes me cry out for the dad I love
A man who did all things by the book
The book of growing up in the 60s
One job for life, money in the bank, married for life
A man whose dedication was to serving others
Provided family so as nothing to want
Saved for retirement to ensure easy life enjoyment
Now what
Where is the easy
The enjoyment
Three years ago, he buried his wife
Six years ago, he became her full-time caregiver
Last year, he buried his sister- and brother-in-law; this year his best friend
One and half years ago, he blacked out
Became a pacemaker recipient
Some issues along the way
Coronavirus now offers him this
The morning newspaper, the mid-day mail and an after-dinner movie
My heart bleeds for the stagnancy forced upon him
He keeps his brain in tip-top shape
Still analyzes everything and all
But what is left to feed his soul
Where is contentment for this man I admire so
Who gave all – to all who have crossed his path
So proud to call him dad, yet my heart aches so
Of course, there are stories more aching than this
But they are not his – or mine – to retell
To share on these pages the man who takes all in stride
His body frame, drifting away
Hope for a new day, take it or leave it
Future plans, none in place
I search daily for some difference to make
Something to bring light to his eyes
A nibble of food for his soul
2020 covid-19, George Floyd and now Rayshard in Atlanta June 15
I’ve had lots of time to observe my lake neighbors during this #stayhome period. The most intriguing I find are across the lake. Jo is her name, I believe; she works at my cardiologist office at the front desk. I believe she is a bit younger than her husband. Pretty sure Dad is familiar with them and has socialized with them in the past. Anyway, he keeps his yard immaculate. It seems to be a double lot. They have a nice, covered, two-bay dock and a seawall that they sand and re-paint every few years when the lake draw-down happens on Windsor. I know because I watched his and her efforts last year over a two-week period. The bottom half of yard is grass – immaculately kept with poop cleanup and riding mower mowing once a week, early on Saturday’s. Other parts are rocked. There are wood steps in a curved path from home down to dock amongst the rock – and landscape lighting following these steps from house to dock that light the night on both land and lake water reflection – pretty cool. Nice job. For two and a half years, there was little activity lakeside besides the mowing days where man of the house and dog would mow large ovals into the yard (there is also a paver path from side of house down to grass area to allow the mowing rider its path down and back). Since covid-19 and #stayhome efforts have surfaced, it looks to be that the entire family has taken up residence once again in the family home. I seriously have no idea how many children they have, but it looks to be maybe 2, 3 or 4. And a new dog is also residing … one of the kids lets him/her out every morning at my first wake and view of the lake. Dad arrives on the upper deck a short time later for a session of welcome to the morning. Sometime during the early afternoon, kids hang out on the lawn with lawn games, take up residence on the chairs on the dock or take out the fishing boat. After dinner, all in the home hang out on the dock – family time at its greatest! #stayhome for them has been a super family reunion it feels. Good for them! Fun to witness.
June 13 FB posting
Push yourself to get up before the rest of the world
Start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. Go to the nearest hill with a big coat and a scarf
and watch the sun rise.
Push yourself to fall asleep earlier
Start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm.
Wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable. Lie in your garden, feel the sunshine on your skin.
Get into the habit of cooking yourself a beautiful breakfast. Fry tomatoes and mushrooms in real butter and garlic,
fry an egg, slice up a fresh avocado and squirt way too much lemon on it.
Sit and eat it and do nothing else.
Start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then trying to touch your toes. Roll your head. Stretch your fingers.
Stretch everything.
Buy a 1L water bottle.
Start with pushing yourself to drink the whole thing in a day, then try drinking it twice.
Buy a beautiful diary and a beautiful black pen.
Write down everything you do, including dinner dates, appointments, assignments, coffees, what you need to do that day. No detail is too small.
Strip your bed of your sheets and empty your underwear draw into the washing machine. Wash, then hang them in the sunshine with care.
Make your bed in full.
Dig your fingers into the earth, plant a seed.
See your success as it grows every day.
Organize your room.
Fold all your clothes (and bag what you don’t want), clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor.
Light a beautiful candle.
Practice your deep breathing. Ground yourself.
Have a luxurious shower with your favorite music playing. Wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. Lather your whole body in moisturizer, get familiar with the part between your toes, your inner thighs,
the back of your neck.
Push yourself to go for a walk. take your headphones, go to the beach and walk. Smile at strangers walking the other way and be surprised how many smile back. Bring your dog and observe the dog’s behavior. Realize you can learn from your dog.
Message old friends with personal jokes. Reminisce. suggest a catch up soon, even if you don’t follow through. Push yourself to follow through.
Think long and hard about what interests you. Crime? Sex? Boarding school? Long-forgotten romance etiquette? Find a book about it and read it. There is a book about literally everything.
Become the person you would ideally fall in love with.
Let cars merge into your lane when driving. Pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine. Stick your tongue out at babies. Help an animal. Compliment people on their cute clothes. Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. Then two. Then a week. Walk with a straight posture. Look people in the eye. Ask people about their story. Talk to acquaintances so they become friends.
Lie in the sunshine. Daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing.
Open your eyes.
Take small steps to make it happen for you... Emma Elsworthy image | Unknown
2020 covid-19, George Floyd, Rayshard in Atlanta, and now NWA covid cases on the rise – Father’s Day - June 21
Covid-19 / June 27
another saturday here
clouds and breeze
keeping all in bed
a lullaby free
give me hippie
heart and soul unique
no road paved
drifting mystique
each day’s wake
travelling solo with style
whatever the mood
with a gypsie smile
let music flow
with rhythm intent
crave dance unlimited
and a body bent
river flow me
destination unseen
slowly or swiftly
matching day’s mystic steam
in mind and wit
let words take over
in hippie fit
Covid-19 / July 4
Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This
one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk
through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead
ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage,
ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.
-- Arundhati Roy
art | Melissa Nucera
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
a place on earth that feels home
free and hippie
July 4th, 1879: The city of Eureka Springs was founded & named. Sharing a birthday with our nation, Eureka Springs was named a “City of the First Class” when the population reached 10,000 in 1881.
People flocked to Eureka Springs after the discovery and belief that the city contained miraculous and healing waters. For hundreds of years prior, Eureka Springs held legends known by Native American tribes of a Great Healing Spring located in the Arkansas Mountains.
The healing tradition spawned by the springs in the early days lives on today in the abundance of day spas, massage therapists, herbalists, and alternative healers. While the springs today are not potable, they are wonderfully landscaped & lushly gardened.
Covid-19/July 28
tired. just tired.
Covid-19/July 29
grateful. fully grateful.
Listening to Michelle Obama new podcast out today - 😊
harrowing heat
weeks and weeks
clouds unite
contend … defeat
rain pours down
inspirating life
lakewater animates
in lines of creases
gardens parched
quenching thirst
wind gives breath
branches dance
melodies awaken
in birds’ hydration
yellowed grasses
guzzle soaking
mood ascends in drum
of showers
“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau
covid-19/July 31
Euphoric. Peacful. Anticpatory.
The gentle drizzle of rain, misty and gray sky, patches of light fog and cooler weather bring me a euphoric and peaceful feel today. It is these days that all other days wait for and anticipate.
I thought Bella was going right on over the edge of the deck this morning as she chased the early morning squirrel … she was an inch behind the scatteredness of his surprise. Quite the laugh from me, but I do wonder what in the heck she (and the squirrel) would do if she ever gets her teeth in one! She is so fast – amazing how fast those little legs gain speed. She brings joy in her sometimes out of the blue running around a room … sometimes around Jax, sometimes just for something to do.
Swinging this morning also gave sight to the little chipmunk out back … and also bringing smiles at the cuteness and the jerked running around of the little gal. There’s awe in the swiftness of all the tiny creatures as they survive their predators! Life! How all the world’s creatures travel the day.
Looking forward to the weekend … Dad has a 16 foot shuffleboard table/game headed this way … like a thousand pounds of table/legs … which has motivated Brendan with Dad’s assistance to re-arrange and eliminate some of the furniture pieces in the basement as they look forward to this new game table. Dad claims this will give him something to do during the endless days of #stayhome. I welcome his excitement at this prospect! So yesterday, Brendan put up dry wall in all the holes of studs! It looks great! And I believe should give him more pride and wellness in his “home.” He even looked into the framing of his KC Chief Chamiponship newspapers. Another KC wall to create which will look pretty awesome in his bar/gaming area when that table does get here! 18 feet of wall space all KC’d out! Love 😊 So, I’m looking forward to one more time re-arrange my little crafting room down there since I now have another table, a computer and a couple of chairs to work around … I have some ideas and I’m ready to get started!!
covid-19/august 3
"Newspapers cannot be defined by the second word—paper. They’ve got to be defined by the first word—news."
Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.
covid-19/august 5
Today is the day – 16 feet of shuffleboard coming – 500 plus pounds of table and legs being dropped off at the top of the driveway – city of Bella Vista firefighters/truck on standby between 3 and 6 p.m. to meet the truck and carry the packages down to the back of the house and into the basement – dad probably didn’t sleep last night and is currently pacing the floors in anticipation and nervousness that everything is set up just perfect for their effort – gonna be a long day 😊
covid-19/august 8 loooooove saturdays!!
rainy and clouds
sittin’ in bed
all day if I want
covid-19/august 12
August weather ….
High 80s … warm, not hot with breeze
The feel begins to change
A few overcooked leaves from July
Begin the downward journey, subtle
Before the storm
Greenery turns a droopy mist of green
The eye tries to readjust
Filmy, milky … slow transition
Taking place on the watch
Summmmmmmmer hanging on
Covid-19/kenosha, wisc./jacob blake/17 year old gunslinging killer/nba won’t play/august 27
I have a #whatkeepsmeawakeatnight big issue with the below columnist and his writings that my newspaper insists on using. This is the latest writing that will appear in our little weekly on Sept. 2. And it angers/frustrates me that a proclaimed pastoral type writes in column and thinks like this. For me, it brings all “evangelists” into the fray, whom I think ALL are self-indulgent capitalists twisting what people believe to be “the most holy words” and tangling them into their own twisted web of extortion opinion. WTF – like prayers are what brings about a winner of a competition. Jesus would be rolling around in his empty tomb wondering how much more stupid people can aspire to. It seems that these persons calling themselves evangelists, defined as one who rounds up people to bring them into Christianity through the preaching of the bible, would maybe describe prayers of persons in a truer stance of bringing miracle to a scientifically unexplained event.
The topping on this POS cake is that whoever put this POS article into the system gave it a “title” of: Naïve Voting.
Why, TF is ANY pastoral person giving opinion on who to vote for. A pastoral being should be pastoring on what is “right or wrong” according to his/her interpretation of their life guide and not signifying who to vote for. There is no separation of church and state in this country.
Enjoy the funny read:
Twice in my lifetime I’ve witnessed God’s people shift an election through prayer. In the book of Daniel we read, “It is heaven that rules. He sets over nations the lowliest of men.”
The first occasion was during the days of President Richard Nixon. He was a Republican and he was corrupt. Despite winning a second term in a landslide, Nixon allowed his party henchmen (Haldeman, Colson, Erlichman) to arrange a break-in at the Democrat headquarters. Movies and books have been written about this crime. They were caught and spent time in prison. During Nixon’s administration, his vice-president, Spiro Agnew, was caught taking bribes. He resigned and went to prison. Gerald Ford took Agnew’s place. Later, Nixon resigned, thus elevating Ford.
How did prayer affect this unusual chain of events? During that era, there was a prayer movement called Intercessors for America - IFA. They rallied Christians in all kinds of churches to gather in prayer events, prayer concerts, and prayer vigils, praying for righteousness to return to America’s government. There were bumper stickers, “I pray daily for my government.” I had one on my car. I remember specifically praying for God to weed out corruption in high places.
The Watergate hearings on TV mesmerized the nation. It was unbelievable: the arrogance, the injustice, and the attempts to hide it. But it all came out. Justice was done. We cleaned house starting at the top. The end of the matter was that Gerald Ford, a decent respectable man, transparent to a fault, became President of the United States. He had never been elected to either post. Prayers shifted things in a way that no movie plot could have dreamed of.
The second time prayer affected our election was during the contest between Al Gore and George Bush. I was with about a hundred intercessors at a church in Waco, Texas. We had assembled to ask the Lord to determine the outcome of the upcoming election, less than three weeks away. All the polls showed it was too close to call. Did the Lord want Bush or Gore?
At this prayer event, I was asked to intercede for George Bush. I did that privately in my hotel room before the evening session. That night, an amazing thing happened. We had a small music band playing on the stage. People were worshipping, waiting on the Lord, sitting or standing. The presence of the Lord - his glory - in the auditorium was becoming thick, tangible, weighty. One by one the musicians slid to the floor. Everyone was still and silent. The senior pastor cast himself face down on the floor, saying “He’s here! Take off your shoes!” Suddenly, the auditorium was filled with the heady aroma of strong heavenly incense. The leader had a vision of a headline, “Bush wins by a whisker!” Weeks later, Hanging chad and court battles over, Bush became President.
I know God isn’t a Democrat. Nor is he a Republican. But the Lord favors some and dislikes others. For example, He chose David over Saul to rule ancient Israel. David was blessed and anointed by a prophet. Later the people chose David. A righteous man with God’s heart for the people was prepared and became ruler over the nation.
Can the prayers of believers affect our government? I believe Christians can vote in heaven by praying. In America, we get to vote at the polls. As Christians, let’s agree with God. Let’s appeal to heaven. Let’s pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Don’t naively let the wrong people grasp the reins of power.
• • •
Ron xxxx is a retired pastor and author. Contact him at wood.stone.ron@gmail.com or visit www.touchedbygrace.org or follow him at Touched By Grace on Facebook. The opinions expressed are those of the author.
covid-19/kenosha, wisc./jacob blake/17 year old gunslinging killer/nba won’t play/august 27
Because my words can’t say it as it should be said, I give you Dan Rather and Michelle Obama’s words today instead. Mr. Rather’s regarding last night’s RNC. And Ms. Obama’s on the shooting of black bodies.
Dan Rather FB post August 28
The lies flew like a fertilizer spreader in a windstorm.
The flood lights illuminating the White House backdrop couldn't outshine the darkness of a broken historical precedent.
The packed, maskless crowd mocked the reality of a murderous virus engulfing the nation.
Last night's culmination of the Republican Convention was pure Donald Trump, even if he remained largely tethered to his teleprompter. It was a grievance-filled exercise in mass gaslighting. It reinforced my previously-stated belief that the Trump re-election campaign is based on the rather hard-to-swallow idea that only Donald Trump can save America from Donald Trump's America. But we know many of his legions of fervid supporters believe this framing of the national moment to make perfect sense. He is their savior, no matter what he has wrought.
As to how this speech and convention played to the rest of America, I am reminded often of a favorite line I heard long ago about prognostication: those who live by the crystal ball end up eating a lot of broken glass. Did last night help the president's re-election prospects? Did it hurt them? Will it all be forgotten with the next tweet or earth-shaking event? No one really knows.
What is clear is that, at least for now, the Trump campaign and the man who leads it, has settled on some specific lines of attack. Gone seems to be "sleepy Joe Biden." Now it is "Trojan Horse Joe Biden," a captive of the socialist left. Nevermind Biden's own decades-long record in government and nevermind that the demonization by the president and his enablers of the left wing of the Democratic Party is based on exaggerations, distortions and many outright lies.
President Trump has the political instincts to know he is losing. Yes he preached a lot of fear last night, but I suspect he also is afraid. He cannot allow reality to intervene into the conversation, because by almost any measure of our personal, civic, social, or economic health, America is struggling. That is why packing his supporters onto the White House lawn was so important. He needed a show, even if it ended up being deadly to those who attended and the others they might infect.
Against this gaudy pageantry of last night we have shuttered schools, mass unemployment, staggering death tolls, and a combustible social justice movement. Of that list, Donald Trump only wishes to talk about the final one. Months of protests, mostly peaceful but some violent, have given him what he yearns for, and even many of his opponents worry about: an opening. Donald Trump has long played on racist tropes, biases, and deeply-ingrained, history-laden fears of Black and brown people. I am old enough to have seen this "law and order" line of attack used before by politicians and work many times,, although it's been a long time since I have seen it employed so blatantly.
Will it work? Now well into the 21st century? It will with some. It will backfire with others. Who those are, what their numbers will be, and whether they will vote all hangs in a balance of uncertainty.
And it is into this cauldron of the unknowable that this campaign will play out. The polls in a week or two might provide a more robust snapshot. But we have also seen how events can come out of nowhere to change narratives and news cycles. However, despite all that is going on, we have seen the race be remarkably steady in recent months. Donald Trump appears to be losing, and there is the potential that he could receive a stinging defeat. But many suspect the polls to tighten, and almost everyone, in both campaigns, thinks Donald Trump can win. What that would do for the continuation of American democracy is another question.
Ultimately, this will be decided at the ballot box. We will see who votes, and for whom. And in retrospect we may be able to answer the question of what to make of last night in the larger arc of the story of this nation.
Michelle Obama FB post August 2
covid-19/I forgot to tell dan happy birthday yesterday/august 29
covid-19/brendan tested positive Tuesday morning (9/8)/the next day, sept. 9
Yep. Brendan is covid positive.
I’m tired.
Desperate want of travel.
To see. To feel. To hear.
To observe.
Outside my box.
Outside this state.
To spend a morning inside a café; an evening amongst laser lights of carnival.
A pier. Seagulls.
Shells on the sand.
Lapping waves.
Stillness with pink setting.
No dependence on me.
A chocolate croissant made fresh.
No pile of dishes in sight.
Someone else to decide.
Dilapidated barns; falling to a side.
A brook of steady stream.
Not a mask to be found.
A hotel bed.
Crisp white sheets.
Maid service….oh please.
A candle, I didn’t light.
Another pier.
Seagulls. And yes, shells on the sand.
Madness of sea.
Streaks of light; crash of thunder.
Music in a drive.
Song and dance.
Happy moments.
Thrilling minutes.
A full day of content.
Shells filling bucket.
The sand, hot on my feet.
Jet ski spray.
Airplane banners.
The quiet of dinnertime when everyone leaves.
An umbrella drink.
Pushed down into the sand.
I’m tired.
Desperate want of travel.
covid-19/brendan tested positive (9/8)/sept. 10
"But now in September, the garden has cooled, and with it, my possessiveness. The sun warms my back instead of beating on my head...The harvest has dwindled, and I have grown apart from the intense midsummer relationship that brought it on."
Robert Finch
covid-19/brendan tested positive (9/8)
The day from hell
covid-19/brendan tested positive (9/8)/sept. 13
Sunday evening blahs…
Though not so bad working from home.
Autumn is here 😊 acorn droppings are loud in the forest! And on the rocked yard. There must be millions out there with the plop, plop, plop sounds.
7:19 and the air is cool … darkness soon to fall
Hummingbird squeaks … as they dance ‘n’ drink
Make my heart blink and weak
Here and gone … fast and small
Sometimes all you hear is the hum.
Cicadas and tree frogs begin their song
As the last chirping bird feeds on a seed.
Autumnal peace sets itself in
Quiet and solace the day does end.
covid-19/RBG died Friday (9/18)/sept. 22
Blessed rain on this autumn day
Comforting and steady
In a world gone mad
When a woman like this leaves our mortal coil,
we owe it to her not to grieve,
not to weep or be sad.
We owe it to her to rise.
To all be a little bit more like her…
To be louder, braver,
so that the girls born today have new heroines to look up to.
That’s what she would want.
RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(Donna Ashworth)
2020 notes / not to be forgotten
This year Danny turned 33, Shannon 32, Brendan 29, and Shane 25.
Covid project #1
Sometime in April/May, I painted two benches…from mom/dad’s old picnic table that made two benches. Was pretty proud of the results. For three years I begged for a Weekly Vista sign in front of our new offices. One bench I made for the office front veranda and painted “Weekly Vista” on it! Brendan and I moved it there in the back of the truck. And now, customers know when they have reached the Weekly Vista office! The other bench I put in the back yard facing the lake. It’s pretty from the lake.
July’s Whipple gave hope and joy.
Baby Leighton was born to Mitchell and Taylor in August.
Not much was written September, October, and November. I was consumed with the daily news of the next asinine thing the president did/said. Constantly in a state of disbelief … disbelief that a president acted that way and disbelief that 50% of Americans believe in him. And covid continues to take lives. Over half a million American lives have been snuffed out under a ‘president’ who did not give one little bit of shit. I will never forgive that dump of trump. Never.
Ah…sweet, sweet November:
trump gone! Biden/Harris in ……. January 22nd
Christmas in Omaha was not planned this year due to pandemic.
December was a spiral downward. A three-day trip was made anyway.
Covid-19/sometime early December
Mangled and buried in covid, my family’s hearts are now twisting and breaking with the terminal and despairingly ugly cancer of the pancreas. A two and a half year ago diagnosis was met with a fight. An extremely difficult and courageous fight. Endless chemo and radiation; afterwhich, a battle to ready for the only known “stop” of the deadly disease – a 12-hour whipple procedure which surgically removes the bitch; endless hospital visits for scans to measure results.
What seemed joyful July 2020 recovery and life-lengthening survival is now one week into the diagnosed news that the cancer has moved … into the stomach … and that’s why N O T H I N G has stayed down in the stomach for the 12 days prior.
Three months to live, if you don’t pray to God that he takes you sooner for all of the intense discomfort and hell you will feel.
Dan died the day after Christmas, the day after he got to be with his children. All four of his children. Together. He was tired. Exhausted. But he died with the peacefulness of his children … and Laurie, his love.
Love You Forever
Five generations
me, the baby
Four generations
me, the groovy unsmiling chick